

Invalid data received on the CAN bus.

Invalid Serial Data Received

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “13”.

“1. CAN messages received by the DTCO are not formatted or addressed correctly.

2. Timinig errors within CAN protocol.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the CAN bus

CAN Communication Backbone 1 Net



No response from a instrument connected to the DTCO.

Missing Message

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “15”.

“1. No instrument cluster connected to the DTCO.

2. The connected instrument cluster does not respond to the DTCO.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the CAN bus

CAN Communication Backbone 1 Net












Bus off state

Bus off

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “14”.

“1. there are too many errorneous CAN messages send on the CAN bus.

2. There are too many collisions on the CAN bus.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the CAN bus

CAN Communication Backbone 1 Net



power interruption on the DTCO.

Circuit Voltage Out of Range

The DTCO continues to work normally (after the voltage is back).

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “power interruption”.

The memory code is “31”.

“1. The power supply to the DTCO was below the specified range.

2. The power supply to the DTCO was above the specified range.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the voltage supply of the DTCO

Electronic control unit



The ECU SW is corrupted.

General Checksum Failure

The DTCO can stop working properly.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “4”.

The program memory is partly changed or deleted.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Replace the DTCO

Electronic control unit












Error in data memory detected.

Data Memory Failure

The DTCO can stop working properly.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “25”.

“1. Writing to flash memory failed

2. CRC error in the recorded data.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO

Electronic control unit



Checksum check of calibration parameters failed.

Calibration / Parameter Memory Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data sent and stored can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “calibration fault”.

The memory code is “9”.

1. Calibration parameters have been altered in the ECU memory.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears despite repetitive acknowledgement, replace the DTCO

Electronic control unit



An ECU internal component detected an error.

Internal Electronic Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally (except the faulty component).

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is:

1. “internal fault”

2. “time fault”

3. “internal fault” The memory code is: 1. “5”

2. “6”

3. “8”

1. The ECU internal communication with the RTC module failed.

2. The RTC does not deliver a time or the time is not plausible.

3. A malfunction of the ECU keyboard was detected.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears despite repetitive acknowledgement, replace the DTCO

Electronic control unit












There was an unexpected  situation that caused a reset of the Control Module

Unexpected Operation

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is:

1., 2., 3. “internal fault”

4. “security breach”. The memory code is: 1. “1”

2. “2”

3. “3”

4. “15”

1. A runtime error occurred in the ECU SW leading to a reset of the ECU to solve the issue.

2. Power supply of the ECU is not delivering a constant power signal.

3. The ECU SW encountered an unexpected situation leading to a reset to solve the issue.

4. Security breach detected by the Security Controller.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears despite repetitive acknowledgement, replace the DTCO

Electronic control unit



The motion sensor connected to the DTCO is reporting an internal fault.

System Internal Failures

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “sensorfault”.

The memory code is “16”.

“1. Motion sensor reports error on controller RAM

2. Motion sensor reports error on controller instruction

3. Motion sensor reports error on communication”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Replace Motion sensor

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



Motion sensor authentication error.

Algorithm Based Failures

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “18” or “23”.

“1. Motion sensor reports error on authentication

2. The motion sensor connected to the DTCO is not the one paired with the DTCO.

3. The motion sensor pairing failed”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Replace motion sensor

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed












power interruption of the motion sensor.

Circuit Voltage Below Threshold

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “power interruption”.

The memory code is “19”.

1. The motion sensor was cut off from the power supply.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check power supply of DTCO and motion sensor

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



The motion sensor connected to the DTCO is reporting a memory fault.

General Memory Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “17”.

Motion sensor reports error on non-volatile memory

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Replace motion sensor

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



Wrong motion sensor connected.

Incorrect Component Installed

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “24”.

1. The motion sensor connected has a different serial number than the motion sensor paired with the DTCO.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check motion sensor and replace it if defective Check DTCO and replace it if defective

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed












There is a difference (> 20 pulses) between the number of pulses delivered by the real time signal of the motion sensor and the number of pulses given in the motion sensor data signal or from independent vehicle motion signal (IMS).

Signal Compare Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is:

1. “sensor fault”

2. “motion conflict” The memory code is: 1. “22”

2. “80”.

1. The line for the real time signal from the motion sensor to the DTCO is not connected correctly. 2. The plausibility check of the speed information via motion sensor pulses and from addtional external vehicle motion information (IMS) fails.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check motion sensor and replace it if defective Check DTCO and replace it if defective

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



The real time signal from the motion sensor is missing.

Signal Plausibility Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “sensor fault”.

The memory code is “21”.

The motion sensor power supply and/or real time signal line to the DTCO is not connected or broken.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check motion sensor and replace it if defective Check DTCO and replace it if defective

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



The independent vehicle motion signal is missing.

Event Information

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “IMS fault”. The memory code is “81”.

The independent vehicle motion signal (IMS) is missing / not valid.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the second speed source

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed












The communication with the motion sensor failed.

Missing Message

The DTCO continues to work normally, but the data can be erroneous.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “sensor fault”.

The memory code is “20”.

1. The motion sensor does not respond.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check motion sensor and replace it if defective Check DTCO and replace it if defective

Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed



Printing attempt without ignition, during driving, at excess temperature, at over- or undervoltage (>32V or <20V), at busy printer interface.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally, except the printer.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “printout not possible”.

The memory code is “36”.

“1. A printout was requested while the ignition was off on a device dedicated to carriage of dangerous goods.

2. Ignition was switched off while a printout was ongoing on a device dedicated to carriage of dangerous goods.

3. A printout was started while the vehicle was moving.

4. A printout was started or ongoing while the power supply of the DTCO was outside the specified range.

5. A printout was started while the temperature of the printer head was too high.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message continues to appear despite these measures, replace the DTCO

Vehicle Unit Printout Not Possible



Card inserted during an unallowed system status.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “71”.

“1. A driver or company card was inserted while the time of the DTCO was not reliable.

2. A chip card was inserted when the DTCO program code was corrupted.

3. A motion sensor pairing was triggered using a invalid workshop card.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check UTC time on the DTCO.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 2 Insertion Not Allowed












Card inserted during an unallowed system status.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “53”.

“1. A driver or company card was inserted while the time of the DTCO was not reliable.

2. A chip card was inserted when the DTCO program code was corrupted.

3. A motion sensor pairing was triggered using a invalid workshop card.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check UTC time on the DTCO.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 1 Insertion Not Allowed



The chip card is locked.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card locked”.

The memory code is “70”.

1. The chip card that was inserted was locked due to too many wrong PIN entries.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the workshop card

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Locked



The chip card is locked.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card locked”.

The memory code is “52”.

1. The chip card that was inserted was locked due to too many wrong PIN entries.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the workshop card

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Locked












The card inserted does not react to any commands. the inserted

tachograph card can not be read or written to.

No Operation

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card error”.

The memory code is “68”.

“1. The chip card was inserted with the contact pads facing in the wrong direction.

2. The chip card contact pads are dirty.

3. The chip card is broken.

4. The card inserted is not a chip card.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check card

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Insertion



The card inserted does not react to any commands. the inserted

tachograph card can not be read or written to

No Operation

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card error”.

The memory code is “50”.

“1. The chip card was inserted with the contact pads facing in the wrong direction.

2. The chip card contact pads are dirty.

3. The chip card is broken.

4. The card inserted is not a chip card.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check card

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Insertion



The printout was paused due to too high temperature of the printer head. It is

+95degreesC to stop, +85degreesC to resume the printout.

Over Temperature

The DTCO continues to work normally, except the printer.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “printout delayed”.

The memory code is “37”.

The printer head got too hot from continuous printing.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Wait several minutes and repeat the process.

Vehicle Unit Printer












There is no paper in the printer.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “no paper”. The memory code is “39”.

“1. A printout was requested while there is no paper in the printer.

2. The printer ran out of paper during a printout.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

insert a new paper roll

Vehicle Unit Printer no Paper



The chip card mechanics  for card slot 1 are blocked.

Actuator Stuck

The DTCO continues to work normally, except the mechanical part.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “40”.

1. Chip card movement is blocked

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 1



The voltage level at the B7 output does not match the expected value: – Low voltage <1,5V – High voltage >5,5V.

Signal invalid

The DTCO continues to work normally, except B7 pin.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “10”.

“1. There is a short circuit between the line connected to B7 and any other line.

2. Signals are sent to the B7 output from a device connected to it.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the pin B7.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Vehicle Speed Impulse












A download communication was initiated but not successful.

General Signal Failure

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “download fault”.

The memory code is “12”.

1. The download tool is not properly connected to the DTCO.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check download interface on the DTCO.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Initiate Download



The DTCO housing was opened.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “26”.

1. The DTCO case was opened.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Vehicle Unit Case Open



The DTCO detected driving but there was no driver card inserted in slot 1.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “driving without card”.

The memory code is “28”.

“1. Driving was detected, but there was no driver card in the chip card slot 1.

2. Driving was detected, but the chip card in slot 1 is not a valid driver card

3. Driving was detected but the currently inserted combination of chip cards does not allow driving.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Insert driver card

Driving without valid driver card












Two cards which are not allowed to be used together are inserted in the DTCO.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card conflict”.

The memory code is “29”.

1. There are two chip cards inserted in the DTCOs chip card slot which are not allowed to be inserted at the same time.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the combination of the inserted cards

Vehicle Unit Invalid Card Combination



The chip card mechanics  for card slot 2 are blocked.

Actuator Stuck

The DTCO continues to work normally, except the mechanical part.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “internal fault”.

The memory code is “58”.

1. Chip card movement is blocked

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 2



Card communication failed in slot 1.

A communication fault has appeared during reading or writting of card data.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card fault”.

The memory code is “41”.

1. Dirt on chip card contacts.

2. Chip card was disconnected during communication.

3. Chip card is operating outside of the specified temperature range.

4. The chip card is broken.

5. Unknown card response / unknown card structure / unknown card data.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Communication Error












Card communication failed in slot 2.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card fault”.

The memory code is “59”.

1. Dirt on chip card contacts.

2. Chip card was disconnected during communication.

3. Chip card is operating outside of the specified temperature range.

4. The chip card is broken.

5. Unknown card response / unknown card structure / unknown card data.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Communication Error



The chip card data could not be authenticated in slot 1.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “42”.

1. The smart card data has been manipulated.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

check the card

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Data Authenticity Error



The chip card data could not be authenticated in slot 2.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “42”.

1. The chip card data has been manipulated.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Data Authenticity Error












A different card was detected or the card is missing or the card lock is open in slot 1.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “43”.

“1. The chip card was exchanged in an improper way.

2. The chip card was removed in an improper way.

3. The chip card lock is opened while a card is inserted.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Missing or Changed



A different card was detected or the card is missing or the card lock is open in slot 2.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “61”.

“1. The chip card was exchanged in an improper way.

2. The chip card was removed in an improper way.

3. The chip card lock is opened while a card is inserted.”

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card.

If the error message appears repetitively, replace the DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Missing or Changed



The chip card was not properly ejected during its previous usage.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card not closed”.

The memory code is “44”.

1. The chip card in slot 1 was not correctly closed during its last usage.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check card and check the previous DTCO.

The source of the error is not located in the current DTCO .

Chip Card Slot 1 Card not Closed in The Last Vehicle












The chip card was not properly ejected during its previous usage.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card not closed”.

The memory code is “62”.

1. The chip card in slot 2 was not correctly closed during its last usage.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check card and check the previous DTCO.

The source of the error is not located in the current DTCO .

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Not Closed in The Last Vehicle



Negative time difference to last vehicle.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “time overlap”.

The memory code is “45”.

1. The VehicleLastUse time – which contains the time of the previous ejecting of the card in slot 1 before the current usage – is more than 1 minute ahead of the current time in the current DTCO.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check UTC time in the current and previous DTCO.

Chip Card slot 1 Negative Time Difference



Negative time difference to last vehicle.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “time overlap”.

The memory code is “63”.

1. The VehicleLastUse time – which contains the time of the previous ejecting of the card in slot 2 before the current usage – is more than 1 minute ahead of the current time in the current DTCO.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check UTC time in the current and previous DTCO.

Chip Card Slot 2 Negative Time Difference












A chip card was inserted while driving.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “insertion while driving”.

The memory code is “46”.

1. A chip card was inserted in the chip card slot 1 of the DTCO while the DTCO was detecting driving.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

No action.

Chip Card Slot 1 Card Insertion While Driving



A chip card was inserted while driving.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “insertion while driving”.

The memory code is “64”.

1. A chip card was inserted in the chip card slot 2 of the DTCO while the DTCO was detecting driving.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

No action.

Chip Card Slot 2 Card Insertion While Driving



Chip card could not be authenticated.

Event Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “47”.

1. The chip card certificate is not valid in slot 1.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card slot 1 Authentication












Chip card could not be authenticated.

Event Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “security breach”.

The memory code is “65”.

1. The chip card certificate is not valid in slot 2.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card Slot 2 Authentication



The chip card is not valid.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card not valid”.

The memory code is “48”.

1. The validity of the chip card in slot 1 expired.

2. The chip card in slot 1 is not yet valid.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card Slot 1 Invalid Date



The chip card is not valid.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “card not valid”.

The memory code is “66”.

1. The validity of the chip card in slot 2 expired.

2. The chip card in slot 2 is not yet valid.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card Slot 2 Invalid Date












The activity recording on the chip card contains a consistency error.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “recording inconsistent”.

The memory code is “49”.

1. The activity recording on the chip card in slot 1 contains an error that does not allow adding new data without corrupting the whole file.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card slot 1 Activity Recording Inconsistent



The activity recording on the chip card contains a consistency error.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “recording inconsistent”.

The memory code is “67”.

1. The activity recording on the chip card in slot 2 contains an error that does not allow adding new data without corrupting the whole file.

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Check the card

Chip Card Slot 2 Activity Recording Inconsistent












A chip card ejection was requested but can not be handled by the system at this time.

No Sub Type Information

The DTCO continues to work normally.

A warning message appears on the DTCO display.

The backlighting of the display is additionally flashing for about 30 seconds or until the warning message will be acknowledged.

The warning message contains one error text and one memory code:

The error text is “ejection not possible”.

The memory code is “34”.

“1. Ejecting of a chip card was requested while the vehicle is driving.

2. Ejecting of a chip card was requested while a card download for that card is currently ongoing.

3. Ejecting of a chip card was requested while.

4. Ejecting of a chip card was requested while ignition was off on an ADR device.

5. Ejecting of a chip card was requested while the DTCO was in an exeptional system mode.

6. Ejecting of a chip card was requested within the same minute in which the card was inserted.

7. Ejecting of the workshop card was requested in the same minute as the reset of the DTCO during activation took place.

8. Ejecting of a chip card

Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.

Wait several minutes and repeat the process.

If the error message continues to appear despite these measures, replace the DTCO

Card request during driving, download or switched-off ignition


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