Bussoff detection
Bus off
No communication on CAN General reduced system functionality
Short circuit to ground/battery Broken cables
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Check CAN wires Battery reset
CAN Communication Active Safety Proprietary 2 Net
Invalid SW or data
General Checksum
ECU not alive
Faulty or wrong data
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional
action is needed.
1. Reprogram ECU with correct SW
2. Replace ECU
Electronic control unit
RAM check failed
Data Memory Failure
ECU is set to ERROR; System is restarted;
After 3 restarts without
success the system is kept in permanent Error.
Memory failure
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Replace ECU
Electronic control unit
“EEPROM record CRC error EEPROM access
Calibration / Parameter Memory Failure
FLS is set to ERROR.
Memory failure
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
1. Reprogram ECU with correct SW
2. Perform new calibration
Electronic control unit
HW malfunction detected inside the ECU
Internal Electronic Failure
FLS is set to ERROR; System is restarted;
After 3 restarts without
success the system is kept in permanent Error.
ECU internal damaged
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Replace ECU
Electronic control unit
ECU temperature detected to be above 105 degrees
Over Temperature
Over temperature will generate out of range/invalid values; FLS is set to ERROR.
Environment temperature above normal operating range
ECU damaged
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
1. Check ECU environment
2. Replace ECU if fault is still present when environment temperature is in nomral range
Electronic control unit
Calibration has not been performed
Missing Calibration
Un-calibrated sensor will generate invalid data;
FLS is set to ERROR.
A sensor calibration has not been performed
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Perform Sensor Calibration
Electronic control unit
Unexpected operation failure(eg.Watchdog
Unexpected Operation
FLS is set to error
Unexpected reset due to internal ECU failure
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
1. Reload SW
2. Check that input CAN signals is correct
3. Replace ECU
Electronic control unit
Sensor blocked
Component or System Operation Obstructed or Blocked
FLS is set to ERROR.
Sensor is obstructed
Radar or secondary surface is covered with ex snow or dirt.
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Check that the sensor is not blocked by eg dirt, snow, obstacle
Electronic control unit
Power supply ECU Low voltage <= 10 V
Circuit Voltage Below Threshold
FLS is set to ERROR.
1. Drained battery
2. Power supply system failure
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
1. Check battery
2. Check power supply system
Battery Power
Power supply ECU High voltage > 32 V
Circuit Voltage Above Threshold
FLS is set to ERROR.
1. Power supply system failure
2. Overload alternator
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Check power supply system Overload alternator
Battery Power
Sensor misaligned
Alignment or Adjustment Incorrect
FLS is set to ERROR.
“If the Forward Looking Sensor HW is misaligned then the ForwardLookingSensorObje ctData shall be set to error or
similar within 100ms from the time the misalignment was discovered. Sensor misaligned: e.g. Faulty installation / re-installation, Mechanical damages, FLS reports ‘Sensor misalignment’.
“”Alignment or adjustment incorrect””
(according with ISO15031- 6)”
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
1. Look for external damage eg bracket, sensor, bumper
2. Recalibrate sensor.
3. Use Volvo orginal washers to adjust FLS assembly to be in valid range
Electronic control unit
“FLS azimuth motor failure,
FLS elevation motor failure,
FLS RF-module failure”
No Operation
FLS is set to ERROR; System is restarted;
After 3 restarts without success the system is kept in permanent error.
Mechanical/electrical damage of the motor e.g. FLS azimuth motor failure, FLS elevation motor failure, FLS RF-module failure
Diagnostic Service 14. No additional action is needed.
Replace ECU
Electronic control unit