DTC | DTC(Hex) | Cluster Code | ERRORTEXT | Possible reasons | Behaviour | Action |
262400 | 40100 | 0140 | Diagnostic override | x | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
327936 | 50100 | 1050 | Unknown B-controller failure code | damaged software damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
393472 | 60100 | 1060 | Variable out of range or invalid function call | damaged dataset dataset doesn’t fit to the software damaged software damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download new dataset. Download software update to the central ECU. Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
590080 | 90100 | 1090 | Incompatible SW parts | Interrupted download Damaged central ECU (microcontroller). | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1114368 | 110100 | 0111 | Format failure | Communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1179904 | 120100 | 0112 | Checksum failure | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells Damaged software | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the Central ECU. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
2621696 | 280100 | 0128 | Unswitchable to OFF | HW circuits on the central ECU are defect Cabling problem | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If together with FBM errors check wiring harness to the ECU from the FBM(X1/6) Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10223872 | 9C0100 | 019C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | Outdated HW sample | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download a proper software to the ECU. |
10420480 | 9F0100 | 019F | Checksum error in the bootloader software | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
10748160 | A40100 | 01A4 | Max. number of task activations passed | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
10944768 | A70100 | 01A7 | Checksum-Error in the Configuration RAM | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
11010304 | A80100 | 01A8 | Stack near full | operating system has nearly reached the limit of its resources | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced |
11075840 | A90100 | 01A9 | Floating point exception | software error result in floating point: overflow, underflow, division by zero or invalid operation or hardware error if FPU is defect | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the Central ECU. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
328192 | 50200 | 2050 | Unknown B-controller failure code | Software download interrupted damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
393728 | 60200 | 2060 | Variable out of range or invalid function call | – Damaged dataset – Dataset doesn’t fit to the software – Damaged software – Damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download new dataset. – Download software update to the central ECU. – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
590336 | 90200 | 2090 | Incompatible SW parts | Interrupted software download. – Damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the central ECU. – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1180160 | 120200 | 0212 | Checksum failure | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells Interrupted download or damaged software. | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
2621952 | 280200 | 0228 | Unswitchable to OFF | damaged wiring or connector damaged dataset dataset doesn’t fit to the software damaged software damaged central ECU (microcontroller) damaged central ECU (active components along the switch-off path) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory – Check the wires and plugs – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty |
3604992 | 370200 | 0237 | Implausible deceleration | Strongly degraded brake performance of the vehicle, e.g. due to oveload, bad or unbraked trailer, pneumatical or mechanical failure in brake system, dirty/overheated brakes, or EBS SW error due to damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. Check wheel brakes for mechanical failures (blockage, dirt, lining condition), repair if faulty. Check pneumatic trailer connection, trailer brake system. Repair if faulty. Erase fault memory. Check brake performance in laden condition. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10224128 | 9C0200 | 029C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells Interrupted download or damaged software, or the software does not fit to the HW. | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download suitable software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10420736 | 9F0200 | 029F | Checksum error in the bootloader software | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
10617344 | A20200 | 02A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
10682880 | A30200 | 02A3 | Analog to digital converter comparision test failed | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check wiring. – If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
11796992 | B40200 | 02B4 | ESP intervention implausible | damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
11862528 | B50200 | 02B5 | Impausible high pressure from TCM sensor | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
11928064 | B60200 | 02B6 | Impausible pressure from TCM pressure during not braking | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
11993600 | B70200 | 02B7 | The PCV (ABS) valves are in undefined state | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12124672 | B90200 | 02B9 | ABS reference pressure implausible | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12190208 | BA0200 | 02BA | Calculated ISC pressures in A and B controller are not identical | Damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12255744 | BB0200 | 02BB | Configured ZDem vs. Stroke charateristic out of range. | damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12321280 | BC0200 | 02BC | Implausible high difference between deceleration demands calculated by both controllers | damage in any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
393984 | 60300 | 3060 | Variable out of range or invalid function call | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) damaged SW EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty EOL programming not completed | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Reload configuration data to EEPROM. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10420992 | 9F0300 | 039F | Checksum error in the bootloader software | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
10486528 | A00300 | 03A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | Program memory of the central ECU contains defect cells. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10552064 | A10300 | 03A1 | RAM test failed | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) damaged software | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10617600 | A20300 | 03A2 | ALU comparision test failed | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) damaged software | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
10814208 | A50300 | 03A5 | Stack overflow | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) damaged software EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty EOL programming not completed | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Reload configuration data to EEPROM. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
12387072 | BD0300 | 03BD | SWI instruction or watchdog or clock or PLL failure or external interrupt was activated (XIRQ) | damaged central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
12452608 | BE0300 | 03BE | SPI initialisation failed | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
12518144 | BF0300 | 03BF | Task 1 reentrant | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software to the Central ECU. Restart ECU. If the error is reported again after successful download, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
12583680 | C00300 | 03C0 | ICC driven task reentrant | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12649216 | C10300 | 03C1 | Task 0 reentrant | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
12714752 | C20300 | 03C2 | Nonused interrupt routine activated | damaged central ECU (microcontroller) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU is to be replaced. |
918528 | E0400 | 40E0 | Communication interrupted | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1115136 | 110400 | 0411 | Format failure | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1180672 | 120400 | 0412 | Checksum failure | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty central ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
918784 | E0500 | 50E0 | Communication interrupted | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1115392 | 110500 | 0511 | Format failure | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1180928 | 120500 | 0512 | Checksum failure | communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
67072 | 10600 | 6010 | Invalid configuration | EEPROM does not have the same layout-structure as defined in software central ECU is damaged (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU or/and download new eeprom dataset which fits to the software. If the error is still reported the central ECU is to be replaced. |
5899776 | 5A0600 | 065A | Implausible values in block ‘vehicle configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty EOL programming not completed | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
5965312 | 5B0600 | 065B | Implausible values in block ‘vehicle configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6030848 | 5C0600 | 065C | Implausible values in block ‘wheel configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
6161920 | 5E0600 | 0050 | Implausible values in block ‘axle configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
6227456 | 5F0600 | 065F | Implausible values in block ‘axle configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6292992 | 600600 | 0660 | Implausible values in block ‘can configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
6424064 | 620600 | 0662 | Implausible values in block ‘function configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
6555136 | 640600 | 0664 | Implausible values in block ‘ISC configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty. Invalid or improper configuration data: — plausibility errors in the configuration of axle load sensor(s): —- sequence of voltage points are not strictly monotonous increasing —- no ALS is configured neither on the J1939 CAN, nor connected to an EPM, but ISC BFL or BFD is enabled —- wheel <-> ALS assignment is improper: max. 1 ALS can be connected to one wheel, wheel ID must be valid (0..9), only one ALS can be connected to an ALS port of an EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload a proper configuration dataset to the EEPROM, and reset the ECU. |
6620672 | 650600 | 0665 | Implausible values in block ‘ISC configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6686208 | 660600 | 0666 | Implausible values in block ‘ABS configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6751744 | 670600 | 0667 | Implausible values in block ‘ABS configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6882816 | 690600 | 0669 | Implausible values in block ‘ATC configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
6948352 | 6A0600 | 066A | Implausible values in block ‘ESP configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
7013888 | 6B0600 | 066B | Implausible values in block ‘ESP configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
7144960 | 6D0600 | 066D | Implausible values in block ‘plausibility configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
7210496 | 6E0600 | 0660 | Implausible values read from fault storage | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault switch off/on. If the error is reported again the central ECU is to be replaced. |
7276032 | 6F0600 | 066F | Implausible values in block ‘EBS self learned data’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
7341568 | 700600 | 0670 | Implausible values in block ‘ISC self learned data’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty – supply (UB) is switched off while EBS afterrun | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. – Do not switch off supply (UB) while EBS afterrun |
7865856 | 780600 | 0678 | Checksum error in block ‘vehicle configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
7931392 | 790600 | 0679 | Checksum error in block ‘vehicle configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
7996928 | 7A0600 | 067A | Checksum error in block ‘wheel configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8128000 | 7C0600 | 067C | Checksum error in block ‘axle configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8193536 | 7D0600 | 067D | Checksum error in block ‘axle configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
8259072 | 7E0600 | 0670 | Checksum error in block ‘can configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8390144 | 800600 | 0680 | Checksum error in block ‘function configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8521216 | 820600 | 0682 | Checksum error in block ‘ISC configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8586752 | 830600 | 0683 | Checksum error in block ‘ISC configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
8652288 | 840600 | 0684 | Checksum error in block ‘ABS configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
8717824 | 850600 | 0685 | Checksum error in block ‘ABS configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
8848896 | 870600 | 0687 | Checksum error in block ‘ATC configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
8914432 | 880600 | 0688 | Checksum error in block ‘ESP configuration public’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Reload configuration data to EEPROM. |
8979968 | 890600 | 0689 | Checksum error in block ‘ESP configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
9111040 | 8B0600 | 068B | Checksum error in block ‘plausibility configuration private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
9176576 | 8C0600 | 068C | Checksum error in fault storage | Damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off/on. Erase fault memory and if the error is reported again replace ECU. |
9307648 | 8E0600 | 0080 | Checksum error in block ‘EBS self learned data’ | Damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off/on. Erase fault memory and if the error is reported again replace ECU. |
9373184 | 8F0600 | 068F | Checksum error in block ‘ISC self learned data’ | Damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off/on. Erase fault memory and if the error is reported again replace ECU. |
9438720 | 900600 | 0690 | Checksum error in block ‘TEST private’ | EEPROM of the central ECU is faulty, communication interface of any of the microcontrollers of the central ECU is faulty ECU hardware damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the central ECU. |
919296 | E0700 | 70E0 | Communication interrupted | central ECU internal HW defect (MCY315 or other circuits) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1246976 | 130700 | 0713 | Out of range | Internal fault | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
2950912 | 2D0700 | 072D | Electronic circuit fault | Internal fault | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
3868416 | 3B0700 | 073B | Temperature too high | overheating of the central ECU central ECU internal HW defect | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check temperature of the central ECU. Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again at normal temperature, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
657920 | A0A00 | A0A0 | Bus-off | electro-magnetic disturbance, CAN-J1939 network cabling, power supply or node errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN J1939, Check the CAN J1939 wiring (including check for chafing damage), Assure that CAN J1939 connected ECUs work correctly |
854528 | D0A00 | A0D0 | Communication not running | Damaged central ECU | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
13240832 | CA0A00 | 0ACA | Timeout or error condition in the communication with electronic steering controller (SA=0x38 or SA=0x71) | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN, external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
13306368 | CB0A00 | 0ACB | Timeout or error condition in the communication with an ECU | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN, external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
14944768 | E40A00 | 0AE4 | External vehicle weight signal implausible | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU sends invalid values because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Assure that external ECU works correctly. |
15010304 | E50A00 | 0AE5 | External vehicle speed signal implausible | tachograph not calibrated, wrong tyre size (compared either to the configuration or to the speed signal or to both) damaged wheel speed sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check tyres, Check the vehicle speed signal received by EBS, If external vehicle speed and tyres are OK, perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults. |
15075840 | E60A00 | 0AE6 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with engine ECU on CAN (SA=0x00) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15141376 | E70A00 | 0AE7 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with retarder or ABM ECU on CAN (SA=0x10) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15206912 | E80A00 | 0AE8 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with exhaust brake ECU on CAN (SA=0x29) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15272448 | E90A00 | 0AE9 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with management ECU (coordinator) (FFR) on CAN (SA=0x27 or global SA) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15337984 | EA0A00 | 0AEA | Timeout or error condition in the communication with tachograph ECU on CAN (SA=0xEE) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15403520 | EB0A00 | 0AEB | Timeout or error condition in the communication with gear box ECU on CAN (SA=0x03) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15469056 | EC0A00 | 0AEC | Timeout or error condition in the communication with instrument cluster ECU or VSM on CAN (SA=0x17 or 0x09 or 0x0A) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15534592 | ED0A00 | 0AED | Timeout or error condition in the communication with APS ECU on CAN (SA=0x30 or global SA) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15600128 | EE0A00 | 0AEE | Timeout or error condition in the communication with CUV/BA ECU on CAN (SA=0x1E or 0x1B or 0x27 or 0x72) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15665664 | EF0A00 | 0AEF | Timeout or error condition in the communication with suspension ECU on CAN (SA=0x2F) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15731200 | F00A00 | 0AF0 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with body controller ECU (BNS) (ZBR) on CAN (SA=0x21 or 0x2D) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15796736 | F10A00 | 0AF1 | Timeout in the communication with engine retarder ECU on CAN (SA=0x0F) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15862272 | F20A00 | 0AF2 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with cruise control ECU on CAN (SA=0x11 or 0x31) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
15993344 | F40A00 | 0AF4 | Timeout or implausible condition in the communication with ACC headway controller ECU (SA=0x2A) | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU is disconnected from the CAN – external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16124416 | F60A00 | 0AF6 | Timeout in the communication with body builder module (BBM) ECU on CAN (SA=0xE8 or 0x47 or 0xE6) | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-J1939 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16517632 | FC0A00 | 0AFC | Trailer ABS is not fully operational | signal “trailer connected” has out-of-range value in msg | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the possible external sources |
16583168 | FD0A00 | 0AFD | External input is implausible for ESP | The following signals may be out of range: – reference torques of the engine, or the retarder(s) (TP_DT_E, TP_DT_R**) – engine: — current torque [%], — driver’s current torque demand [%], — engine speed (EEC1), — friction torque [%] (EEC3) (all torques are scaled in % of reference torque) – retarder(s): current torque [%] (ERC1-R***) – position of accelerator pedal (EEC2) – status of parking brake (CC_VS) | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the possible external sources |
16648704 | FE0A00 | 0AFE | External input is implausible for EBS functions | The following signals may be out of range: – reference torques of engine, and retarders (messages TP_DT_***) – XBR deceleration demand (message XBR) – Central difflock status in message EAC1 (monitored only on AWD vehicles) – Parking and/or Trailer air Pressure (SupplyPressure/AIR1) – Service Brake Air Pressure – Circuit 1 (SupplyPressure/AIR1) – Service Brake Air Pressure – Circuit 2 (SupplyPressure/AIR1) | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the possible external sources |
16714240 | FF0A00 | 0AFF | Timeout in the communication with SAS sensor | improper operation of SAS sensor or EBS ECU. | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – Replace SAS sensor. – If error still persists, download the latest SW to the central ECU. – If error is still present, replace the central ECU. |
658432 | A0C00 | C0A0 | Bus-off | electro-magnetic disturbance, ISO 11992 network cabling errors, power supply or node errors | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines ISO 11992, Check the ISO11992 wiring (including check for chafing damage), Assure that ISO11992 connected ECUs work correctly |
920576 | E0C00 | C0E0 | Communication interrupted | disconnection of both trailer CAN line(s) – EMC disturbance in single wire mode If the other CAN line has already been disabled because of an electric contact failure | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the trailer CAN wiring: cable harness between the EBS ECU and the ISO trailer connector. Check the CAN cabling of the trailer. |
986112 | F0C00 | C0F0 | Line Low defect | electro-magnetic disturbance, short circuit or open circuit on either line of ISO 11992 | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines ISO 11992, Check the ISO11992 wiring (including check for chafing damage), Assure that ISO11992 connected ECUs work correctly |
1051648 | 100C00 | 0C10 | Line High defect | electro-magnetic disturbance, short circuit or open circuit on either line of ISO 11992 | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines ISO 11992, Check the ISO11992 wiring (including check for chafing damage), Assure that ISO11992 connected ECUs work correctly |
5835776 | 590C00 | 0C59 | Red warning lamp request | Trailer request | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check trailer ECU |
16190464 | F70C00 | 0CF7 | Timeout in the communication with trailer ECU #1 | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-Trailer ISO 11992 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16256000 | F80C00 | 0CF8 | Timeout in the communication with trailer ECU #2 | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-Trailer ISO 11992 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16321536 | F90C00 | 0CF9 | Timeout in the communication with trailer ECU #3 | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-Trailer ISO 11992 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16387072 | FA0C00 | 0CFA | Timeout in the communication with trailer ECU #4 | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-Trailer ISO 11992 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
16452608 | FB0C00 | 0CFB | Timeout in the communication with trailer ECU #5 | electro-magnetic disturbance, external ECU is disconnected from the CAN external ECU does not send all messages because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check short-circuits and open circuit on lines CAN-Trailer ISO 11992 to the signal transmitting ECU and assure that ECU works correctly. |
134656 | 2,00E+01 | 0020 | Reconfiguration request | damage of the EEPROM of any of the EPMs, not valid EPM connected (1ch<->2ch) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download a new dataset. Disconnect EPMs one after the other. After disconnecting each EPM, switch on ignition, and check, if fault appears again. Replace that EPM, which was disconnected just before the fault has disappeared. |
658944 | A0E00 | E0A0 | Bus-off | electro-magnetic disturbance – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – power supply errors – internal node errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check all lines between central ECU and the EPMs (including check for chafing damage). Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting an EPM (to locate internal errors). |
855552 | D0E00 | E0D0 | Communication not running | Damaged central ECU | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
921088 | E0E00 | E0E0 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from the EBT5 ECU – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – power supply errors – internal node errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check all lines between central ECU and the EPMs (including check for chafing damage). Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting an EPM (to locate internal errors). |
659200 | A0F00 | F0A0 | Bus-off | electro-magnetic disturbance, CAN-Sensor network cabling errors (e.g. short circuit) | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check all lines to the ESP sensors (including check for chafing damage), Check the plug at the central ECU and at the ESP sensor units |
855808 | D0F00 | F0D0 | Communication not running | Damaged central ECU | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
5837568 | 591300 | 1359 | Red warning lamp request | Diagnositc tool sent a request | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Diagnostic tool cancels the request |
13112064 | C81300 | 13C8 | Roller test bench mode active | x | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Deactivate the Roller Bench Mode via diagnosis at the end of the test process |
13570816 | CF1300 | 13CF | Yellow warning lamp request | Diagnostic tool sent a request | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Diagnostic tool cancels the request |
13636352 | D01300 | 13D0 | Lining wear warning lamp request | Diagnostic tool sent a request | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Diagnositc tool cancels the request |
3282176 | 321500 | 1532 | Plausibility Failure | Defect in the wiring or on the central ECU hardware | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check power supply connections: UZ (X1/13), UB_1 (X1/17), GND_1 (X1/12). |
1251328 | 131800 | 1813 | Out of range | Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. Central ECU hardware is damaged. Pin FBM_Switch1 (X1-6) is shorted to a digital input (Dig_InX) | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. Check cabling especially regarding pin FBM_Switch1 (X1-6) |
2955264 | 2D1800 | 182D | Electronic circuit fault | Supply voltage (UZ) comparator circuit on the central ECU is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
2955520 | 2D1900 | 192D | Electronic circuit fault | Afterrun circuit of the central ECU is damaged. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1974016 | 1E1F00 | 1F1E | Open circuit | Damaged wiring – Damaged PCV – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected (If open circuit failure is reported also on all valves of the T:PCW) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Left (X2/13 and X2/18). – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left. – Check the wiring (including the PCV_GND – X2/18 and check for chafing damage), and repair if faul |
2039552 | 1F1F00 | 1F1F | Short circuit | Damaged wire insulation – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Left. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for short circuit o |
2105088 | 201F00 | 1F20 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs to Inlet valve of PCV Left for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2170624 | 211F00 | 1F21 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Left. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of PCV_L_IV (X2/13) wire, PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18) wire, and vehicle ground agains |
2301696 | 231F00 | 1F23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check short circuit of all components where this type of fault is detected against each other. – Disconnect central ECU and faulty PCVs and faulty auxiliary valve. – Check short circuit of wire of PCV_L_IV (X2/13) and wires of all |
1974272 | 1E2000 | 0010 | Open circuit | Damaged wiring – Damaged PCV – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected (If open circuit failure is reported also on all valves of the T:PCW) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Left (X2/10 and X2/18). – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left. – Check the wiring (including the PCV_GND – X2/18 and check for chafing damage), and repair if fau |
2039808 | 1F2000 | 201F | Short circuit | Damaged wire insulation – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Left. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for short circuit |
2105344 | 202000 | 2020 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs to Outlet valve of PCV Left for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2170880 | 212000 | 2021 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Left. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Left – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of PCV_L_OV (X2/10) wire, PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18) wire, and vehicle ground again |
2301952 | 232000 | 2023 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check short circuit of all components where this type of fault is detected against each other. – Disconnect central ECU and faulty PCVs and faulty auxiliary valve. – Check short circuit of wire of PCV_L_OV (X2/10) and wires of all |
1974528 | 1E2100 | 0010 | Open circuit | Damaged wiring – Damaged PCV – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected (If open circuit failure is reported also on all valves of the T:PCW) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Right (X2/14 and X2/18). – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right. – Check the wiring (including the PCV_GND – X2/18 and check for chafing damage), and repair if f |
2040064 | 1F2100 | 211F | Short circuit | Damaged wire insulation – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Right. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for short circuit |
2105600 | 202100 | 2120 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs to Inlet valve of PCV Right for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2171136 | 212100 | 2121 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of PCV Right. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of PCV_R_IV (X2/16) wire, PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18) wire, and vehicle ground agai |
2302208 | 232100 | 2123 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check short circuit of all components where this type of fault is detected against each other. – Disconnect central ECU and faulty PCVs and faulty auxiliary valve. – Check short circuit of wire of PCV_R_IV (X2/16) and wires of all |
1974784 | 1E2200 | 0010 | Open circuit | Damaged wiring – Damaged PCV – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected (If open circuit failure is reported also on all valves of the T:PCW) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Right (X2/14 and X2/18). – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right. – Check the wiring (including the PCV_GND – X2/18 and check for chafing damage), and repair if f |
2040320 | 1F2200 | 221F | Short circuit | Damaged wire insulation – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Right. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for short circui |
2105856 | 202200 | 2220 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs to Outlet valve of PCV Right for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2171392 | 212200 | 2221 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Outlet valve of PCV Right. – Disconnect central ECU and PCV Right – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of PCV_R_OV (X2/14) wire, PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18) wire, and vehicle ground aga |
2302464 | 232200 | 2223 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check short circuit of all components where this type of fault is detected against each other. – Disconnect central ECU and faulty PCVs and faulty auxiliary valve. – Check short circuit of wire of PCV_R_OV (X2/14) and wires of all |
2106112 | 202300 | 2320 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring – damage of the central ECU – PCV GND is disconnected | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the line PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18) and the lines and plugs to all installed PCV and auxiliary valve for short circuit to other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2171648 | 212300 | 2321 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring – Damaged valve – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Disconnect central ECU, PCVs and auxiliary valve. – Check the wiring. Check short circuit between wires of PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18), and vehicle ground. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. |
9216 | 2400 | 0024 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component wiring fault central ECU failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not, correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. |
2958336 | 2D2400 | 242D | Electronic circuit fault | Shortcut to weak supply (FBM_SPL, TCM_SPL, WL), damaged wiring, damaged ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Disconnect central ECU, PCVs and auxiliary valve. – Check the wiring. Check short circuit between wires of PCV/AUX_VGND (X2/18), and vehicle ground. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check resistances of GND pin of the PCVs and of the auxiliary valve and vehicle ground against each other. |
3351808 | 332500 | 2533 | Implausible activation time | too long activation by Diag-I/O-control not detected fault concerning ABS control | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault has happend during Diag-I/O-control, check if command is shorter than 1 s. If fault has happend during normal operation, check remedy written for fault “ABS logic : Pressure plausibility failure”. |
3352064 | 332600 | 2633 | Implausible activation time | too long activation by Diag-I/O-control not detected fault concerning ABS control | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault has happend during Diag-I/O-control, check if command is shorter than 1 s. If fault has happend during normal operation, check remedy written for fault “ABS logic : Pressure plausibility failure”. |
3288064 | 322C00 | 2C32 | Plausibility Failure | damage of ESP sensor wiring, ESP sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off the central ECU, disconnect the ESP connector (X3) from the central ECU, switch on the central ECU again. 1. If sensor supply error does not become active again, then the fault is either in the wiring or in the sensor units. In this case – check the wiring for short circuit to GND. Repair wiring if faulty. – if wiring is OK, check the sensor units: switch off central ECU, re-connect ESP connector to the central ECU, replace either sensor unit, switch on central ECU, check if the failure has disappeared, if yes: replace this sensor unit, if not: check the other sensor unit. (Failures which show ESP sensor communication interrupted will appear additionally during this procedure, ignore them and erase them at the end of the test procedure) 2. If sensor supply error becomes active again with disconnected ESP connector of the central ECU, then the failure is on the central ECU, so replace it. |
666880 | A2D00 | D0A2 | Bus-off | Sensor CAN wiring problem. | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check sensor CAN wiring against short circuit and disconnection. Check ESP sensors. Check EB5 Central ECU. |
2108928 | 2,02E+02 | 0220 | Short to battery | damaged wiring, lamp, or ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the signal path to the red warning lamp for short circuit to 24 V. It might be possible that the power stage for the red warning lamp is faulty. |
2371072 | 2,42E+02 | 0224 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged lamp, damaged wiring or damaged ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace the bulb. Erase fault memory. Check the signal path to the red warning lamp for short circuit to ground and open line. It might be possible that the power stage for the red warning lamp is faulty. |
2109184 | 202F00 | 2F20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Busses WLY for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2371328 | 242F00 | 2F24 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged lamp, damaged wiring or damaged ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace the bulb. Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Busses WLY for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2109440 | 203000 | 3020 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2371584 | 243000 | 3024 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged lamp, damaged wiring or damaged ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace the bulb. Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2109696 | 203100 | 3120 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to (X3/13) for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2371840 | 243100 | 3124 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged lamp, damaged wiring or damaged ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace the bulb. Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to (X3/13) for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
930304 | E3200 | 20E3 | Communication interrupted | steering angle sensor is not connected to the central ECU internal failure of the sensor if this error occurs together with error `yaw rate sensor:communication interrupted` – failure of the electronic CAN-component for CAN-sensor in the central ECU – short circuit between CAN-Sensor-Low and CAN-Sensor-High or other short circuits of CAN-Sensor-Low or CAN-Sensor-High – electromagnetic compatibility failure | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the CAN-sensor lines (X3/7, X3/4) and plugs to the central ECU for open circuit and physical damage (including check for chafing damage) Check the power supply (X3/10, X3/1) of the ESP sensors 8,3V – 14,5V Check connections of the ESP sensors. If wiring is OK and failure is still present: – change the steering angle sensor, if failure `yaw rate sensor:communication interrupted` is not present – change the central ECU, if failure `yaw rate sensor:communication interrupted` is present, too. |
13382144 | CC3200 | 32CC | Defective signal | internal sensor failure driving on rough surface Sensor is calibrated or mounted wrongly. Steering system does not correspond to the vehicle specification (wrong steering gearbox, steering gear arm). | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor. Check steering system for specified parts. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
13906432 | D43200 | 32D4 | Sensor not yet calibrated | new steering angle sensor was mounted steering angle sensor was reset calibration of steering angle sensor was not successful sensor unit is damaged | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Reset the sensor with the diagnostic tool, and then calibrate it again. If calibration cannot be performed successfully, replace sensor. |
13056 | 3300 | 0033 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. Download a new dataset. |
799488 | C3300 | 30C3 | Error message at CAN-sensor (internal error) | internal sensor error | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Change the sensor |
930560 | E3300 | 30E3 | Communication interrupted | Steering angle sensor is not connected to the central ECU internal failure of the sensor if this error occurs together with error ‘yaw rate sensor : communication interrupted’ – failure of the electronic CAN-component for CAN-sensor in the central ECU – short circuit between CAN-Sensor-Low and CAN-Sensor-High or other short circuits of CAN-Sensor-Low or CAN-Sensor-High – electromagnetic compatibility failure | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the CAN-sensor lines (X3/7, X3/4) and plugs to the central ECU for open circuit and physical damage (including check for chafing damage) Check the power supply (X3/10, X3/1) of the ESP sensors 8,3V – 14,5V Check connections of the ESP sensors. If wiring is OK and failure is still present: – change the steering angle sensor, if failure ‘yaw rate sensor:communication interrupted’ is not present – change the central ECU, if failure ‘yaw rate sensor:communication interrupted’ is present, too. |
13775616 | D23300 | 33D2 | Signal locked to a too high value | Sensor is calibrated or mounted wrongly. Steering system does not correspond to the vehicle specification (wrong steering gearbox, steering gear arm). | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor. Check steering system for specified parts. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
13841152 | D33300 | 33D3 | Signal constant | sensor is mounted wrongly (or changes on the steering system) internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting is OK, change the sensor |
13906688 | D43300 | 33D4 | Sensor not yet calibrated | new steering angle sensor was mounted steering angle sensor was reset calibration of steering angle sensor was not successful sensor unit is damaged | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Reset the sensor with the diagnostic tool, and then calibrate it again. If calibration cannot be performed successfully, replace sensor |
14037760 | D63300 | 33D6 | Longtime calibration failed | sensor is calibrated or mounted wrongly – steering system Damaged – internal sensor failure. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – Check the mounting of the sensor – Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor – Check steering system for specified parts – If the error is still reported change the sensor |
14430976 | DC3300 | 33DC | Signal gradient too high | sensor is mounted wrongly (or changes on the steering system) internal sensor failure driving on rough surface | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14496512 | DD3300 | 33DD | Sensor mounted wrongly | sensor is calibrated or mounted wrongly steering system does not correspond to the vehicle specification (wrong steering gearbox, steering gear arm) internal sensor failure steering system damaged | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check mounting of the sensor. Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor. Check steering system for damages. Check steering system for specified parts. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14562048 | DE3300 | 33DE | Sensor signal implausible with respect to the reference yaw rate | Sensor is calibrated or mounted wrongly. Steering system does not correspond to the vehicle specification (wrong steering gearbox, steering gear arm). Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Internal sensor failure. Calibrated vehicle speeed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. Steering system damaged. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check mounting of the sensor. Check if sensor is calibrated correctly (0 degree in straight line position). If necessary recalibrate the sensor. Check steering system for damages. Check steering system for specified parts. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14758656 | E13300 | 33E1 | End Of Line Calibration not finished | new central ECU is placed | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Recalibrate the sensor |
14824192 | E23300 | 33E2 | Fast Adjustment not finished | calibration is running | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Continue calibration process |
13312 | 3400 | 0034 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. |
799744 | C3400 | 40C3 | Error message at CAN-sensor (internal error) | internal sensor failure bad contact of sensor power supply lines | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the sensor power supply lines. If the wiring is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor. |
930816 | E3400 | 40E3 | Communication interrupted | yaw rate sensor is not connected to the central ECU internal failure of the sensor if this error occurs together with error ‘steering angle sensor:communication interrupted’ – failure of the electronic CAN-component for CAN-sensor in the central ECU – short circuit between CAN-Sensor-Low and CAN-Sensor-High or other short circuits of CAN-Sensor-Low or CAN-Sensor-High – electromagnetic compatibility failure | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the CAN-sensor lines (X3/7, X3/4) and plugs to the central ECU for open circuit and physical damage (including check for chafing damage) Check the power supply (X3/10, X3/1) of the ESP sensors Check connections of the ESP sensors. If wiring is OK and failure is still present: – change the yaw rate sensor, if failure ‘steering angle sensor:communication interrupted’ is not present – change the central ECU, if failure ‘steering angle sensor:communication interrupted’ is present, too. |
1586176 | 183400 | 3418 | Noise, vibration or inplausible frequency | Defective fixation of the Yaw Rate sensor (lost screw) – Broken sensor housing of the Yaw Rate sensor – mounting location of the Yaw Rate sensor does not meet specification – Defective Yaw Rate Sensor. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – Check/repair fixation. – Check sensor housing for a defect. Change sensor if housing is broken. – Check whether the sensor mounting location differs from the released mounting location. If mounting location differs, move sensor to original mounting loca |
13710336 | D13400 | 34D1 | Operation suspicious | see other reported ESP related fault | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | no. Normally another ESP related error follows very soon this temporary suspicion of an error. If not, no action from the workshop is necessary. |
13775872 | D23400 | 34D2 | Signal locked to a too high value | internal sensor failure frame vibrations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Change the sensor |
13972480 | D53400 | 34D5 | Fast calibration failed | internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Change the sensor. |
14103552 | D73400 | 34D7 | Standstill calibration failed | internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Change the sensor. |
14169088 | D83400 | 34D8 | Continuous calibration failed | internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Change the sensor. |
14234624 | D93400 | 34D9 | Sensitivity calibration failed | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14300160 | DA3400 | 34DA | Signal implausible (within validity of the physical model) | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Internal sensor failure. Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Calibrated vehicle speed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14365696 | DB3400 | 34DB | Signal implausible (outside of validity of the physical model) | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Internal sensor failure. Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Calibrated vehicle speed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14431232 | DC3400 | 34DC | Signal gradient too high | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure driving on rough surface or chassis frame oscillations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14496768 | DD3400 | 34DD | Sensor mounted wrongly | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Internal sensor failure. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. If mounting of the sensor is OK, replace the sensor. |
14562304 | DE3400 | 34DE | Sensor signal implausible with respect to the reference yaw rate | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Internal sensor failure. Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Calibrated vehicle speed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14627840 | DF3400 | 34DF | Static built in test failed | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure driving on rough surface or chassis frame oscillations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14693376 | E03400 | 34E0 | Dynamic built in test failed | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure driving on rough surface or chassis frame oscillations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
13776128 | D23500 | 35D2 | Signal locked to a too high value | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure frame vibrations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14038272 | D63500 | 35D6 | Longtime calibration failed | sensor is mounted wrongly – internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – Check the mounting of the sensor – If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14103808 | D73500 | 35D7 | Standstill calibration failed | sensor is mounted wrongly internal sensor failure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor If mounting of the sensor is OK and the error is still reported, change the sensor |
14300416 | DA3500 | 35DA | Signal implausible (within validity of the physical model) | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Wrong calibrated sensor offsets (after change of a central ECU no standstill calibration was performed). Internal sensor failure. Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Calibrated vehicle speed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. Perform standstill calibration if central ECU was changed before. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14365952 | DB3500 | 35DB | Signal implausible (outside of validity of the physical model) | Sensor is mounted wrongly. Wrong calibrated sensor offsets (after change of a central ECU no standstill calibration was performed). Internal sensor failure. Wheelbase or wheeltrack do not correspond to the vehicle specification. Calibrated vehicle speed does not correspond to the wheel speeds. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the mounting of the sensor. Perform standstill calibration if central ECU was changed before. Check whether wheelbase and wheeltrack correspond to the vehicle specification. Check calibration of vehicle speed. If the error is still reported change the sensor. |
14759168 | E13500 | 35E1 | End Of Line Calibration not finished | new central ECU is placed | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Recalibrate the sensor |
14890240 | E33500 | 35E3 | Standstill Calibration not finished | calibration is running | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Continue calibration process |
1455616 | 163600 | 3616 | Signal too low | damaged ESP sensor wiring, sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off the central ECU, disconnect the ESP connector (X3) from the central ECU, switch on the central ECU again. 1. If sensor supply error does not become active again, then the fault is either in the wiring or in the sensor units. In this case – check the wiring for short circuit to GND. Repair wiring if faulty. – if wiring is OK, check the sensor units: switch off central ECU, re-connect ESP connector to the central ECU, replace either sensor unit, switch on central ECU, check if the failure has disappeared, if yes: replace this sensor unit, if not: check the other sensor unit. (Failures which show ESP sensor communication interrupted will appear additionally during this procedure, ignore them and erase them at the end of the test procedure) 2. If sensor supply error becomes active again with disconnected ESP connector of the central ECU, then the failure is on the central ECU, so replace it. |
1521152 | 173600 | 3617 | Signal too high | damaged ESP sensor wiring, sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off the central ECU, disconnect the ESP connector (X3) from the central ECU, switch on the central ECU again. 1. If sensor supply error does not become active again, then the fault is either in the wiring or in the sensor units. In this case – check the wiring for short circuit to GND. Repair wiring if faulty. – if wiring is OK, check the sensor units: switch off central ECU, re-connect ESP connector to the central ECU, replace either sensor unit, switch on central ECU, check if the failure has disappeared, if yes: replace this sensor unit, if not: check the other sensor unit. (Failures which show ESP sensor communication interrupted will appear additionally during this procedure, ignore them and erase them at the end of the test procedure) 2. If sensor supply error becomes active again with disconnected ESP connector of the central ECU, then the failure is on the central ECU, so replace it. |
2962944 | 2D3600 | 362D | Electronic circuit fault | – | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Update the software, replace ECU (repair the ESP Sensor Supply overcurrent monitor circuit – T651-T652, R664, R665, R666, R667) |
3290624 | 323600 | 3632 | Plausibility Failure | damage of ESP sensor wiring, ESP sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Switch off the central ECU, disconnect the ESP connector (X3) from the central ECU, switch on the central ECU again. 1. If sensor supply error does not become active again, then the fault is either in the wiring or in the sensor units. In this case – check the wiring for short circuit to GND. Repair wiring if faulty. – if wiring is OK, check the sensor units: switch off central ECU, re-connect ESP connector to the central ECU, replace either sensor unit, switch on central ECU, check if the failure has disappeared, if yes: replace this sensor unit, if not: check the other sensor unit. (Failures which show ESP sensor communication interrupted will appear additionally during this procedure, ignore them and erase them at the end of the test procedure) 2. If sensor supply error becomes active again with disconnected ESP connector of the central ECU, then the failure is on the central ECU, so replace it. |
2701056 | 293700 | 3729 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | The wheel speed sensor cables are transposed at the EPM connector of any axle. The left side sensor´s cable is connected to the right side sensor´s connector and the right side sensor´s cable is connected to the left side sensor´s connector. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the connection order of the wheel speed sensor of all axles and set the right order if necessary. |
1456128 | 163800 | 3816 | Signal too low | x | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check brake pads |
1456384 | 163900 | 3916 | Signal too low | x | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
932352 | E3A00 | A0E3 | Communication interrupted | yaw rate sensor is not connected to the central ECU internal failure of the sensor if this error occurs together with error `steering angle sensor:communication interrupted` – failure of the electronic CAN-component for CAN-sensor in the central ECU – short circuit between CAN-Sensor-Low and CAN-Sensor-High or other short circuits of CAN-Sensor-Low or CAN-Sensor-High – electromagnetic compatibility failure | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the CAN-sensor lines (X3/7, X3/4) and plugs to the central ECU for open circuit and physical damage (including check for chafing damage) Check the power supply (X3/10, X3/1) of the ESP sensors Check connections of the ESP sensors. If wiring is OK and failure is still present: – change the yaw rate sensor, if failure `steering angle sensor:communication interrupted` is not present – change the central ECU, if failure `steering angle sensor:communication interrupted` is present, too. |
13384192 | CC3A00 | 3ACC | Defective signal | internal failure yaw rate sensor driving on rough surface or chassis frame oscillations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | replace yaw rate sensor |
13384448 | CC3B00 | 3BCC | Defective signal | internal failure yaw rate sensor driving on rough surface or chassis frame oscillations | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | replace yaw rate sensor |
539648 | 83C00 | C083 | Wake up time is too long | FBM is installed incorrectly – FBM parameters are out of range due to production fault or mechanical fault – damage of the dFBM ECU – damage of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check If foot Brake pedal CAN be released completely – replace the FBM If not – Check If the wake up switch is off in case of released Brake pedal. replace the FBM If not |
1719296 | 1A3C00 | 3C1A | Offset fault | mechanical problem of the FBM – damage of the FBM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct installation of the FBM (especially regarding mechanical blockage) – If the problem still persists replace the FBM |
2309120 | 233C00 | 3C23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | Electronic failure in sensor unit, wiring, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
3292160 | 323C00 | 3C32 | Plausibility Failure | mechanical failure in the FBM, wear of the sensors, change of the contact resistances | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
1457408 | 163D00 | 3D16 | Signal too low | mechanical failure in the FBM, wear of the sensors, change of the contact resistances | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
1522944 | 173D00 | 3D17 | Signal too high | mechanical failure in the FBM, wear of the sensors, change of the contact resistances | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
1457664 | 1,63E+02 | 0316 | Signal too low | mechanical failure in the FBM, wear of the sensors, change of the contact resistances | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
1523200 | 1,73E+02 | 0317 | Signal too high | mechanical failure in the FBM, wear of the sensors, change of the contact resistances | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
2113280 | 203F00 | 3F20 | Short to battery | mechanical/electrical fault of the FBM, wiring | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
2178816 | 213F00 | 3F21 | Short to ground | mechanical/electrical fault of the FBM, wiring | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and the corresponding braking demand sensor of the FBM for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
2768640 | 2A3F00 | 3F2A | Latch functionality broken | Latch circuit on the central ECU is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Ignition off/on. Press the brake pedal twice. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1327360 | 144100 | 4114 | Overrange | central ECU internal HW defect damaged wiring | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs to FBM supply (X1/4,7) for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
1392896 | 154100 | 4115 | Underrange | damaged wiring FBM defect central ECU internal HW defect | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check the lines and plugs between the central ECU and FBM voltage supply for short-circuit and open-circuit. Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, then replace FBM. |
82688 | 14300 | 3014 | Invalid configuration | False parameters for ISC in configuration, damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download new dataset.Switch off/on. Erase fault memory and if the error is reported again replace ECU. |
83456 | 14600 | 6014 | Invalid configuration | False parameters in ABS private configuration, damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download new dataset. Switch off/on. Erase fault. If the error is reported again Central ECU is to be replaced. |
3360256 | 334600 | 4633 | Implausible activation time | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – bad learned wheel diameter – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3425792 | 344600 | 4634 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor bad learned wheel diameter, one undriven wheel has much smaller diameter compared to the others puncture of the tyre of an undriven wheel, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, very slippery road and undriven wheels have e.g. a snow lock | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
83712 | 14700 | 7014 | Invalid configuration | Configured vehicle type unequal to: – The vehicle configuration is incompatible with ESP – 2 or 3 axles – Front axle not driven – 1 or 2 drive axles in the rear axle group – 2 pressure channels at the front axle (2EPM or 1EPM + PCV’s) – known retarder type or – damaged central ECU (EEPROM) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download new dataset. Switch off/on. Erase fault. If the error is reported again Central ECU is to be replaced. |
739072 | B4700 | 70B4 | Timeout | One or more of the following signals are not available: – status of parking brake switch (SCH_E1) – reference torque of engine (CPC3_E5) – driver’s engine torque demand (EEC1_CPC3) – current engine torque (EEC1_CPC3) – current engine friction torque (EEC3_CPC3) – engine revolution speed (EEC1_CPC3) – position of acceleration pedal (EEC2_CPC3) – C3 speed (TCO1_ICUC) – trailer ABS is fully operational (SCA_C1) – retarder reference torque (CPC3_E5) – retarder current % torque (ERC1_CPC3) – revolution speed of output shaft (ETC1_CPC) – Steering Angle Sensor is sending FFh | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the failures in the external ECUs, and follow up their accompanying instructions. |
16533248 | FC4700 | 47FC | Trailer ABS is not fully operational | trailer without ABS. trailer with not working ABS | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
18432 | 4800 | 0048 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not, correct it. (Download new dataset) If configuration matches installation, check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. |
10242048 | 9C4800 | 489C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | Incompatible EPM software parts (ECU hardware vs. drive sw) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Make sure that brake system is not powered via foot brake (no wake up), and switch on the brake system with ignition. An EPM specific fault should become active. (During ignition power up an automatic test localises the fault to one of the EPMs.) Follow the instructions given for that fault. |
10307584 | 9D4800 | 489D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | Incompatible EPM software parts (drive software vs. bootloader) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Make sure that brake system is not powered via foot brake (no wake up), and switch on the brake system with ignition. An EPM specific fault should become active. (During ignition power up an automatic test localises the fault to one of the EPMs.) Follow the instructions given for that fault. |
10504192 | A04800 | 48A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | Interrupted EPM software download damaged EPM ECU (program flash) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Make sure that brake system is not powered via foot brake (no wake up), and switch on the brake system with ignition. An EPM specific fault should become active. (During ignition power up an automatic test localises the fault to one of the EPMs.) Follow the instructions given for that fault. |
84224 | 14900 | 9014 | Invalid configuration | Wrong configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Correct the configuration |
3295488 | 324900 | 4932 | Plausibility Failure | Damage of any of microcontrollers of the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | The central ECU to be replaced |
5786624 | 584C00 | 4C58 | Underrange during cranking | Engine is in starting process or wrong detection of cranking | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check vehicle’s power supply system |
5786880 | 584D00 | 4D58 | Underrange during cranking | Engine is in starting process or wrong detection of cranking | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check vehicle’s power supply system |
5787136 | 5,84E+02 | 0458 | Underrange during cranking | Engine is in starting process or wrong detection of cranking. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check vehicle’s power supply system |
1330944 | 144F00 | 4F14 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1396480 | 154F00 | 4F15 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1331200 | 145000 | 5014 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1396736 | 155000 | 5015 | Underrange | Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1331456 | 145100 | 5114 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1396992 | 155100 | 5115 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1331712 | 145200 | 5214 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1397248 | 155200 | 5215 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1331968 | 145300 | 5314 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1397504 | 155300 | 5315 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1332224 | 145400 | 5414 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1397760 | 155400 | 5415 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1332480 | 145500 | 5514 | Overrange | – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1398016 | 155500 | 5515 | Underrange | – Battery is not charged enough. – Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect. – Central ECU hardware is damaged. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1332992 | 145700 | 5714 | Overrange | Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1398528 | 155700 | 5715 | Underrange | Battery is not charged enough Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1333248 | 145800 | 5814 | Overrange | Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1398784 | 155800 | 5815 | Underrange | Battery is not charged enough Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1333504 | 145900 | 5914 | Overrange | Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
1399040 | 155900 | 5915 | Underrange | Battery is not charged enough Vehicle’s power supply system is incorrect Central ECU hardware is damaged | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | If the state is active continuously, check vehicle’s power supply system. |
2054656 | 1F5A00 | 5A1F | Short circuit | EBS5.0 ——— damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure short between valves | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——— Erase fault memory. Check short circuit among the valves of the TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM. – Check short circuit among the wires of the TCM valves (between wires that were connected to X4/5 and X4/6, and between wires that were connected to X4/5 and X4/7). Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, reconnect the TCM and repeat the previous measurement. Replace the TCM if short circuit was measured. EBS5.X ——– This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure short between valves |
2120192 | 205A00 | 5A20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Inlet valve of TCM (X4/5) for short circuit to all other surrounding wires (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2382336 | 245A00 | 5A24 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and Inlet valve of TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of TCM_IV (X4/5) wire, GND_1 (X1/12), GND_2 (X1/11), and vehicle ground against each other. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Check open circuit in TCM_IV (X4/5) wire. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check resistance between the inlet valve pin and supply pin of the TCM. (nominal value: 18.5 Ohm), replace TCM if faulty. |
2578944 | 275A00 | 5A27 | Unswitchable to ON | EBS5.0 ——– damaged wiring or central ECU EBS5.X ——– This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——– Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Inlet valve of TCM for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. EBS5.X ——– This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” |
2054912 | 1F5B00 | 5B1F | Short circuit | EBS5.0 ——– damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure short between valves | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——– Erase fault memory. Check short circuit among the valves of the TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM. – Check short circuit among the wires of the TCM valves (between wires that were connected to X4/5 and X4/6, and between wires that were connected to X4/6 and X4/7). Repair wiring if faulty. – If wiring is OK, reconnect the TCM and repeat the previous measurement. Replace the TCM if short circuit was measured. EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure short between valves |
2120448 | 205B00 | 5B20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Outlet valve of TCM (X4/6) for short circuit to all surrounding wires(including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2382592 | 245B00 | 5B24 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and outlet valve of TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of TCM_OV (X4/6) wire, GND_1 (X1/12), GND_2 (X1/11), and vehicle ground against each other. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Check open circuit in TCM_OV (X4/6) wire. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check resistance between the outlet valve pin and supply pin of the TCM. (nominal value: 18.5 Ohm), replace TCM if faulty. |
2579200 | 275B00 | 5B27 | Unswitchable to ON | EBS5.0 ——– damaged wiring or central ECU EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——– Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Outlet valve of TCM for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” |
2055168 | 1F5C00 | 5C1F | Short circuit | EBS5.0 ——– damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure “short between valves” | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——– Erase fault memory. Check short circuit among the valves of the TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM. – Check short circuit of wire of the TCM valves (between wires that were connected to X4/5 and X4/7, and between wires that were connected to X4/6 and X4/7). Repair wire if faulty. – If wire is OK, reconnect the TCM and repeat the previous measurement. Replace the TCM if short circuit was measured. EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in the failure “short between valves” |
2120704 | 205C00 | 5C20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Backup valve of TCM (X4/7) for short circuit to all surrounding wires (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2382848 | 245C00 | 5C24 | Short to ground or open circuit | damaged wiring, TCM valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and backup valve of TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of TCM_BV (X4/7) wire, GND_1 (X1/12), GND_2 (X1/11), and vehicle ground against each other. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Check open circuit in TCM_BV (X4/7) wire. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check resistance between the backup valve pin and supply pin of the TCM. (nominal value: 11.8 Ohm), replace TCM if faulty. |
2579456 | 275C00 | 5C27 | Unswitchable to ON | EBS5.0 ——— damaged wiring or central ECU EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0 ——— Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to Backup valve of TCM for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. EBS5.X ——— This failure will not arise, it is included in “SH_BATT” |
1465600 | 165D00 | 5D16 | Signal too low | Damaged wiring, pressure sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check TCM pressure sensor supply: Switch on ignition,disconnect X4 connector from central ECU. Check the voltages between the ECU pins listed below and ECU pin GND_1 (X1/12), if they are correct: TCM_PS_SPL (X4/1): 5V +- 0.5V TCM_PS_GND (X4/3): 0V TCM_PS_SIG (X4/2): 0V – If no fault is found in the wiring and sensor supply is correct , then replace TCM |
1531136 | 175D00 | 5D17 | Signal too high | Damaged wiring, pressure sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check that trailer control module supply pressure does not exceed 8.5 bar. – Check TCM pressure sensor supply: Switch on ignition, and inhibit fault storage by diagnostic service “disableDTCSetting”, disconnect X4 connector from central ECU. Check the voltages between the ECU pins listed below and ECU pin GND_1 (X1/12), if they are correct: TCM_PS_SPL (X4/1): 5V +- 0.5V TCM_PS_GND (X4/3): 0V TCM_PS_SIG (X4/2): 0V – If no fault is found in the wiring and sensor supply is correct , then replace TCM |
1727744 | 1A5D00 | 5D1A | Offset fault | Damaged wiring, pressure sensor, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check that trailer control module supply pressure does not exceed 8.5 bar. – Check TCM pressure sensor supply: Switch on ignition, and inhibit fault storage by diagnostic service “disableDTCSetting”, disconnect X4 connector from central ECU. Check the voltages between the ECU pins listed below and ECU pin GND_1 (X1/12), if they are correct: TCM_PS_SPL (X4/1): 5V +- 0.5V TCM_PS_GND (X4/3): 0V TCM_PS_SIG (X4/2): 0V – If no fault is found in the wiring and sensor supply is correct, then replace TCM |
4218368 | 4,05E+02 | 0540 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and TCM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signal is not correct damaged TCM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and TCM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received value of supply pressure signal Otherwise TCM is defect, replace TCM. |
4414976 | 4,35E+02 | 0543 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged park brake, or valve controlled trailer brake, damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure without FBM actuation), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | During no brake demand for TCM: Check park input piping to connection 43 of TCM for residual pressure. If residual pressure is found repair faulty component (park brake, valve controlled trailer brake) Check backup input piping to connection 42 of TCM for residual pressure. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If no fault is found in the park and backup input piping, replace TCM. |
4546048 | 4,55E+02 | 0545 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | supply pressure at TCM input 11 is not sufficient, supply pressure at TCM port 21 is not sufficient, faulty increase of supply pressure in trailer, provided via TCM, supply pressure circuit3 signal defect, brake piping 22 to trailer open, TCM damaged. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check whether supply pressure at TCM input 11 is sufficient, Check whether supply pressure at TCM port 21 is sufficient, check increase of supply pressure in trailer, provided via TCM, Check signal of supply pressure circuit3, Check values of the supply pressure sensor circuit3. Check brake piping 22 to trailer for leakage, Otherwise replace TCM. |
4677120 | 4,75E+02 | 0547 | Residual pressure detected | pressure in TCM control chamber: leakage at TCM inlet valve, backup pressure caused by FBM leakage. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure for TCM during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. Otherwise replace TCM. |
4808192 | 4,95E+02 | 0549 | Implausible maximal pressure | supply pressure for TCM at port 11 is too high, pressure sensor TCM defect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check maximum supply pressure for TCM at port 11. If maximum supply pressure is correct, then replace the TCM. |
4873728 | 4A5E00 | 5E4A | Implausible high pressure at end of braking and parking brake signal defect | parking brake signal is not available for longer time damaged TCM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must be available Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
4939264 | 4B5E00 | 5E4B | Implausible high pressure at end of braking and long term activation of parking brake switch | parking brake signal is incorrect (it is always active), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state deactivated, if park brake is released Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5004800 | 4C5E00 | 5E4C | Implausible high pressure at end of braking and long term activation of valve controlled trailer brake switch | Valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (it is always active), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state deactivated, if valve controlled trailer brake is released Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5070336 | 4D5E00 | 5E4D | Implausible high pressure at end of braking and parking brake switch and trailer brake switch not activated | parking brake or valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (always inactive), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state activated, if park brake is actuated. Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state activated, if valve controlled trailer brake is actuated. Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. If these signals are correct, then replace TCM. |
5135872 | 4E5E00 | 5E4E | Implausible high pressure during not braking and parking brake signal defect | parking brake signal is not available for longer time, damaged TCM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must be available Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5201408 | 4F5E00 | 5E4F | Implausible high pressure during not braking and long term activation of parking brake switch | parking brake signal is incorrect (it is always active). | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state deactivated, if park brake is released Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5266944 | 5,05E+02 | 0550 | Implausible high pressure during not braking and long term activation of valve controlled trailer brake switch | Valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (it is always active). | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state deactivated, if valve controlled trailer brake is released Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5332480 | 5,15E+02 | 0551 | Implausible high pressure during not braking and parking brake switch and trailer brake switch not activated | parking brake or valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (always inactive), damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state activated, if park brake is actuated. Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state activated, if valve controlled trailer brake is actuated. Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. Check backup pressure from FBM during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. Otherwise replace TCM. |
5398016 | 5,25E+02 | 0552 | Implausible high pressure during outlet valve actuation and parking brake signal defect | parking brake signal is not available for longer time damaged TCM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must be available Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5463552 | 5,35E+02 | 0553 | Implausible high pressure during outlet valve actuation and long term activation of parking brake switch | parking brake signal is incorrect (it is always active), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state deactivated, if park brake is released Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5529088 | 5,45E+02 | 0554 | Implausible high pressure during outlet valve actuation and long term activation of valve controlled trailer brake switch | valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (it is always active), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state deactivated, if valve controlled trailer brake is released Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. Perform the needed reverse test procedure. If some other TCM related fault is reported during this procedure, follow the repair procedure of the reported fault. |
5594624 | 5,55E+02 | 0555 | Implausible high pressure during outlet valve actuation and parking brake switch and trailer brake switch not activated | parking brake or valve controlled trailer brake signal is incorrect (always inactive), damaged TCM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Park brake signal must have state activated, if park brake is actuated. Check parking brake signal, and repair if faulty. Valve controlled trailer brake signal must have state activated, if valve controlled trailer brake is actuated. Check valve controlled trailer brake signal, and repair if faulty. If these signals are correct, then replace TCM. |
5660160 | 5,65E+02 | 0556 | Piston of TCM is defect | x | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | x |
1335040 | 145F00 | 5F14 | Overrange | central ECU internal HW defect damaged wiring | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs to TCM pressure sensor connectors (X4/1-3) for short circuit to all other lines with high voltage level (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. If fault is not found in the wiring, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
1400576 | 155F00 | 5F15 | Underrange | damaged wiring TCM defect central ECU internal hardware defect | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check TCM pressure sensor supply: Switch on ignition, and inhibit fault storage by diagnostic service “disableDTCSetting”, disconnect X4 connector from central ECU. Check the voltages between the ECU pins listed below and ECU pin GND_1 (X1/12), if they are correct: TCM_PS_SPL (X4/1): 5V +- 0.5V TCM_PS_GND (X4/3): 0V TCM_PS_SIG (X4/2): 0V – If no fault is found in the wiring and sensor supply is correct , then replace TCM – If no fault is found in the wiring and sensor supply is not provided correctly by the central ECU, then the central ECU is to be replaced. |
24576 | 6000 | 0060 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component the powerstage of the TCM is not populated but the TCM is configured (the ECU can’t control the TCM valves) damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation (check the configuration of the TCM and the ECU-sub-type – is TCM populated?). If not, correct it If configuration matches installation, check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. |
90112 | 16000 | 0016 | Invalid configuration | TCM is configured by EOL-Parameter but no TCM does exist. broken wire on TCM_IV and TCM_OV and TCM_BV together or broken wire on TCM_SPL | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the EOL-Configuration, and correct it if invalid. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect connector X4 from central ECU. Check open circuit between TCM SPL (X4/4) and each valve (X4/5.6.7) on the wiring side, replace TCM if open circuit is found. |
2121728 | 206000 | 6020 | Short to battery | damage in the wiring, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring. Check the lines and plugs to TCM_SPL (X4/4), TCM_IV (X4/5), TCM_OV (X4/6) and TCM_BV (X4/7) for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. |
2187264 | 216000 | 6021 | Short to ground | damage in the wiring, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_SPL (X4/4) and ECU’s grounds GND_1 (X1/11), GND_2 (X1/12). Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. |
2580480 | 276000 | 6027 | Unswitchable to ON | damage in the wiring, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_SPL (X4/4) and ECU’s grounds GND_1 (X1/11), GND_2 (X1/12). Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. Reset the ECU and apply the brake pedal to check the reparation |
2973696 | 2D6000 | 602D | Electronic circuit fault | central ECU is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. If the fault occurs again, the central ECU is to be replaced. |
3104768 | 2F6000 | 602F | Inlet valve short to outlet valve | damage in the wiring, TCM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_IV (X4/5) wire and TCM_OV (X4/6). Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Connect TCM Check short circuit between TCM_IV (X4/5) wire and TCM_OV (X4/6). The measured resistance should be more than 30 Ohm. – Check short circuit between inlet valve and outlet valve of the TCM, replace TCM if faulty |
3170304 | 306000 | 6030 | Backup valve short to inlet valve | damage in the wiring, TCM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_IV (X4/5) wire and TCM_BV (X4/7). Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Connect TCM. Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_IV (X4/5) wire and TCM_BV (X4/7). The measured resistance should be more than 25 Ohm. – Check short circuit between backup valve and inlet valve of the TCM, replace TCM if faulty |
3235840 | 316000 | 6031 | Backup valve short to outlet valve | damage in the wiring, TCM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU and TCM. Disconnect central ECU and TCM – Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_OV (X4/6) wire and TCM_BV (X4/7). Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Connect TCM. Check the wiring. Check short circuit between TCM_OV (X4/6) wire and TCM_BV (X4/7).The measured resistance should be more than 25 Ohm. – Check short circuit between backup valve and outlet valve of the TCM, replace TCM if faulty |
24832 | 6100 | 0061 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not, correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. |
1990912 | 1E6100 | 611E | Open circuit | damaged wiring, valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU (X2/17,18) and auxiliary valve. Disconnect ECU and auxiliary valve. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for open circuit on the valve of the auxiliary valve (see the resistance of the valve in its specification), replace auxiliary valve if faulty. |
2056448 | 1F6100 | 611F | Short circuit | damaged wire insulation, valve, or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU (X2/17,18) and auxiliary valve. Disconnect ECU and auxiliary valve. – Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. – Check resistance for short circuit on the inlet valve of the auxiliary valve (see the resistance of the valve in its specification), replace auxiliary valve if faulty. |
2121984 | 206100 | 6120 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs to auxiliary valve for short circuit to other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
2187520 | 216100 | 6121 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the lines and plugs between central ECU (X2/17,18) and auxiliary valve. Disconnect central ECU and auxiliary valve. – Check the wiring. Check short circuit in pairs between wires of auxiliary valve, PCV/AUX_V GND, and mass of vehicle. Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check resistances in pairs between pins of the auxiliary valve and vehicle mass (see the resistance of the valve in its specification), replace auxiliary valve if faulty. |
2318592 | 236100 | 6123 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring, valve or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check short circuit of all components where this type of fault is detected against each other. Disconnect central ECU and faulty PCVs and faulty auxiliary valve. – Check short circuit of wire of AUX_V (X2/17) and wires of all other components where shorted channels were detected against each other. Repair wire if faulty. – If wire is OK, then reconnect the valves and repeat the previous measurement. Replace the valves if short circuit was measured. |
2515200 | 266100 | 6126 | Short to battery or open circuit | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory – Check the lines and plugs to Outlet valve of X2/17 for disconnection and for short circuit to all other lines (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if necessary. |
25088 | 6200 | 0062 | Installed but not configured component | installed but not configured component – Damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Check if configuration matches installation. If not, correct it – If configuration matches installation, check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), and repair if faulty. |
2122240 | 206200 | 6220 | Short to battery | Damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs to differential lock for short circuit to other lines (including check for chafing damage). – Repair wiring if necessary. |
2187776 | 216200 | 6221 | Short to ground | Damaged wiring, differential lock inhibit circuit or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. – Check the lines and plugs between central ECU (X1/14) and differential lock. – Disconnect central ECU and differential lock. – Check the wiring. Check short circuit of DIFF1 (X1/14) wire, and vehicle ground against each other – Examine the wiring also visually for any chafing damage. Repair wiring if faulty. – Check inhibit circuit of differential lock |
1270528 | 136300 | 6313 | Out of range | software or input problem of the external device. – Wrong EoL parameters of central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the belonging EoL parameters of central ECU. |
25600 | 6400 | 0064 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
25856 | 6500 | 0065 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
26112 | 6600 | 0066 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
26368 | 6700 | 0067 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
26624 | 6800 | 0068 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
26880 | 6900 | 0069 | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
27136 | 6A00 | 006A | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
27392 | 6B00 | 006B | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
27648 | 6C00 | 006C | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
27904 | 6D00 | 006D | Installed but not configured component | Wheel speed sensor connected to wrong/not configured EPM input. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check if configuration matches installation. If not correct it. If configuration matches installation, check the wiring and repair if faulty. |
1926144 | 1D6400 | 641D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1926400 | 1D6500 | 651D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1926656 | 1D6600 | 661D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1926912 | 1D6700 | 671D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1927168 | 1D6800 | 681D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1927424 | 1D6900 | 691D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1927680 | 1D6A00 | 6A1D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1927936 | 1D6B00 | 6B1D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1928192 | 1D6C00 | 6C1D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
1928448 | 1D6D00 | 6D1D | Shortcut, signal lost | too large airgap between tone wheel and wheel speed sensor, damage of wiring, wheel speed sensor, EPM electronic circuit or tone wheel. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty. Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components nor in the wheel speed sensor, then replace EPM |
2319360 | 236400 | 6423 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2319616 | 236500 | 6523 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2319872 | 236600 | 6623 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2320128 | 236700 | 6723 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2320384 | 236800 | 6823 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2320640 | 236900 | 6923 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2320896 | 236A00 | 6A23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2321152 | 236B00 | 6B23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2321408 | 236C00 | 6C23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2321664 | 236D00 | 6D23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | wires of different wheel speed sensors are shorted to each other EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2712576 | 296400 | 6429 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2712832 | 296500 | 6529 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2713088 | 296600 | 6629 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2713344 | 296700 | 6729 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2713600 | 296800 | 6829 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2713856 | 296900 | 6929 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2714112 | 296A00 | 6A29 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2714368 | 296B00 | 6B29 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2714624 | 296C00 | 6C29 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2714880 | 296D00 | 6D29 | Wire damaged, sensor defect or sensor wiring interchanged | wheel speed sensor wiring damaged Wheel speed sensor or its wiring shorted to ground or supply EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel-speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace wheel speed sensor if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the wheel speed sensor, replace EPM. |
2974720 | 2D6400 | 642D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2974976 | 2D6500 | 652D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2975232 | 2D6600 | 662D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2975488 | 2D6700 | 672D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2975744 | 2D6800 | 682D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2976000 | 2D6900 | 692D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2976256 | 2D6A00 | 6A2D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2976512 | 2D6B00 | 6B2D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2976768 | 2D6C00 | 6C2D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2977024 | 2D6D00 | 6D2D | Electronic circuit fault | EPM electronic circuit is damaged | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
12805120 | C36400 | 64C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12805376 | C36500 | 65C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12805632 | C36600 | 66C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12805888 | C36700 | 67C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12806144 | C36800 | 68C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12806400 | C36900 | 69C3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12806656 | C36A00 | 6AC3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12806912 | C36B00 | 6BC3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12807168 | C36C00 | 6CC3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12807424 | C36D00 | 6DC3 | Big airgap | High resistance in wheel speed sensor. Large airgap between tone-wheel and wheel speed sensor toggling tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and wheel speed sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits, repair wiring if faulty Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the mechanical components, replace wheel speed sensor. |
12870656 | C46400 | 64C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12870912 | C46500 | 65C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12871168 | C46600 | 66C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12871424 | C46700 | 67C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12871680 | C46800 | 68C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12871936 | C46900 | 69C4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12872192 | C46A00 | 6AC4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12872448 | C46B00 | 6BC4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12872704 | C46C00 | 6CC4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12872960 | C46D00 | 6DC4 | Tone wheel defect | large airgap dirty tone wheel missing or destroyed tone wheel teeth toggling tone wheel production-failures of tone wheel | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check and correct air gap between wheel speed sensor and tone wheel. Check the tone wheel, and replace if faulty (check the tone wheel for dirt due to metallic particles, for wobble, for pitch error, for the correct number of teeth, etc) |
12936192 | C56400 | 64C5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12936448 | C56500 | 65C5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12936704 | C56600 | 66C5 | C56700 | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12936960 | C56700 | 67C5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12937216 | C56800 | 68C5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12937472 | C56900 | 69C5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12937728 | C56A00 | 6AC5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12937984 | C56B00 | 6BC5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12938240 | C56C00 | 6CC5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
12938496 | C56D00 | 6DC5 | Radius deviation too large | damage in the wiring and/or connectors between WSS and EPM – Wrong configuration – tyre with Wrong circumference is mounted – Wrong D3 -signal (tachograph not correct calibrated) – tachograph not calibrated | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | – check configuration of the tyre circumference and correct if invalid, – reinitialise EBS selflearned wheel circumferences, – check the circumference of the mounted tyre – calibrate tachograph |
2125312 | 2,06E+02 | 620 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2125568 | 206F00 | 6F20 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2125824 | 207000 | 7020 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2126080 | 207100 | 7120 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2126336 | 207200 | 7220 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2126592 | 207300 | 7320 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2126848 | 207400 | 7420 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2127104 | 207500 | 7520 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2127360 | 207600 | 7620 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2127616 | 207700 | 7720 | Short to battery | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2584064 | 2,76E+02 | 627 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2584320 | 276F00 | 6F27 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2584576 | 277000 | 7027 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2584832 | 277100 | 7127 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2585088 | 277200 | 7227 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2585344 | 277300 | 7327 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2585600 | 277400 | 7427 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2585856 | 277500 | 7527 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2586112 | 277600 | 7627 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2586368 | 277700 | 7727 | Unswitchable to ON | Lining wear sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2649600 | 2,86E+02 | 0628 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2649856 | 286F00 | 6F28 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2650112 | 287000 | 7028 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2650368 | 287100 | 7128 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2650624 | 287200 | 7228 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2650880 | 287300 | 7328 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2651136 | 287400 | 7428 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2651392 | 287500 | 7528 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2651648 | 287600 | 7628 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
2651904 | 287700 | 7728 | Unswitchable to OFF | lining wear sensor supply or its wiring the sensor is shorted to GND – Defective EPM PCB (LWS supply output driver) or wiring harness or sensor | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check and replace lining wear sensor and wiring harness If necessary – If fault is not found replace affected EPM |
1341440 | 147800 | 7814 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1341696 | 147900 | 7914 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1341952 | 147A00 | 7A14 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1342208 | 147B00 | 7B14 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1342464 | 147C00 | 7C14 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1342720 | 147D00 | 7D14 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1342976 | 1,47E+02 | 0714 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1343232 | 147F00 | 7F14 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1343488 | 148000 | 8014 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1343744 | 148100 | 8114 | Overrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor. EPM electronic circuit is damaged. External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1406976 | 157800 | 7815 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1407232 | 157900 | 7915 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1407488 | 157A00 | 7A15 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1407744 | 157B00 | 7B15 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1408000 | 157C00 | 7C15 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1408256 | 157D00 | 7D15 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1408512 | 1,57E+02 | 0715 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1408768 | 157F00 | 7F15 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1409024 | 158000 | 8015 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
1409280 | 158100 | 8115 | Underrange | Damage in the wiring of the lining wear sensor EPM electronic circuit is damaged External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check wires and plugs between EPM and lining wear sensor for short-circuits and open-circuits. Repair wiring or replace lining wear sensor if faulty. If fault is found neither in the wiring nor in the lining wear sensor, replace EPM. |
13072384 | C77800 | 78C7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13072640 | C77900 | 79C7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13072896 | C77A00 | 7AC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13073152 | C77B00 | 7BC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13073408 | C77C00 | 7CC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13073664 | C77D00 | 7DC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13073920 | C77E00 | 7EC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13074176 | C77F00 | 7FC7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13074432 | C78000 | 80C7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
13074688 | C78100 | 81C7 | too high difference between the two signals on this and on the other side of the axle | Mechanical fault in the brake actuators External short cuts | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check brake actuators and pads |
229888 | 38200 | 2038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
230144 | 38300 | 3038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
230400 | 38400 | 4038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
230656 | 38500 | 5038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
230912 | 38600 | 6038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
231168 | 38700 | 7038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
231424 | 38800 | 8038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
231680 | 38900 | 9038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
231936 | 38A00 | A038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
232192 | 38B00 | B038 | Watchdog defect (during power on phase) | defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
492032 | 78200 | 2078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
492288 | 78300 | 3078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
492544 | 78400 | 4078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
492800 | 78500 | 5078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
493056 | 78600 | 6078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
493312 | 78700 | 7078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
493568 | 78800 | 8078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
493824 | 78900 | 9078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
494080 | 78A00 | A078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
494336 | 78B00 | B078 | Unknown EPM fault code | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM. – Erase fault memory. If fault is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. |
623104 | 98200 | 2098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
623360 | 98300 | 3098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
623616 | 98400 | 4098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
623872 | 98500 | 5098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
624128 | 98600 | 6098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
624384 | 98700 | 7098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
624640 | 98800 | 8098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
624896 | 98900 | 9098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
625152 | 98A00 | A098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
625408 | 98B00 | B098 | Incompatible SW parts | Component replaced by an incompatible part | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the part number of the last exchanged component. – Download software update to the EPM or to the central ECU. |
2458112 | 258200 | 8225 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2458368 | 258300 | 8325 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2458624 | 258400 | 8425 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2458880 | 258500 | 8525 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2459136 | 258600 | 8625 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2459392 | 258700 | 8725 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2459648 | 258800 | 8825 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2459904 | 258900 | 8925 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2460160 | 258A00 | 8A25 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2460416 | 258B00 | 8B25 | ALS supply shorted to battery | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to module supply Defective EPM PCB | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
2982400 | 2D8200 | 822D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2982656 | 2D8300 | 832D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2982912 | 2D8400 | 842D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2983168 | 2D8500 | 852D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2983424 | 2D8600 | 862D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2983680 | 2D8700 | 872D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2983936 | 2D8800 | 882D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2984192 | 2D8900 | 892D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2984448 | 2D8A00 | 8A2D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
2984704 | 2D8B00 | 8B2D | Electronic circuit fault | PCB failure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM · |
3047936 | 2E8200 | 822E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3048192 | 2E8300 | 832E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3048448 | 2E8400 | 842E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3048704 | 2E8500 | 852E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3048960 | 2E8600 | 862E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3049216 | 2E8700 | 872E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3049472 | 2E8800 | 882E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3049728 | 2E8900 | 892E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3049984 | 2E8A00 | 8A2E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
3050240 | 2E8B00 | 8B2E | ALS supply unswitchable to on | Axle load sensor supply or its wiring is shorted to GND Defective EPM PCB (ALS supply output driver) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs between EPM and axle load sensor for short-circuits. Repair wiring if faulty. If fault is not found in the wiring, replace EPM. |
9863680 | 968200 | 8296 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9863936 | 968300 | 8396 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9864192 | 968400 | 8496 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9864448 | 968500 | 8596 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9864704 | 968600 | 8696 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9864960 | 968700 | 8796 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9865216 | 968800 | 8896 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9865472 | 968900 | 8996 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9865728 | 968A00 | 8A96 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9865984 | 968B00 | 8B96 | EEPROM dataset does not match to the system | Organisation of EPM EEPROM is outdated. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace affected EPM. |
9929216 | 978200 | 8297 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9929472 | 978300 | 8397 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9929728 | 978400 | 8497 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9929984 | 978500 | 8597 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9930240 | 978600 | 8697 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9930496 | 978700 | 8797 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9930752 | 978800 | 8897 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9931008 | 978900 | 8997 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9931264 | 978A00 | 8A97 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
9931520 | 978B00 | 8B97 | EEPROM not writable | EEPROM of the EPM is defectice. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10060288 | 998200 | 8299 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10060544 | 998300 | 8399 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10060800 | 998400 | 8499 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10061056 | 998500 | 8599 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10061312 | 998600 | 8699 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10061568 | 998700 | 8799 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10061824 | 998800 | 8899 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10062080 | 998900 | 8999 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10062336 | 998A00 | 8A99 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10062592 | 998B00 | 8B99 | Wrong/inconsistent dataset parameter in the EEPROM | EEPROM of the EPM is defective. – EPM supply (UB) is switched off while EBS power-down | not stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – Download software update to the EPM – Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10256896 | 9C8200 | 829C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10257152 | 9C8300 | 839C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10257408 | 9C8400 | 849C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10257664 | 9C8500 | 859C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10257920 | 9C8600 | 869C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10258176 | 9C8700 | 879C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10258432 | 9C8800 | 889C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10258688 | 9C8900 | 899C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10258944 | 9C8A00 | 8A9C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10259200 | 9C8B00 | 8B9C | Mismatch between ECU types of drive software and bootloader | ECU software of different type downloaded – Defective EPM (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10322432 | 9D8200 | 829D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10322688 | 9D8300 | 839D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10322944 | 9D8400 | 849D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10323200 | 9D8500 | 859D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10323456 | 9D8600 | 869D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10323712 | 9D8700 | 879D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10323968 | 9D8800 | 889D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10324224 | 9D8900 | 899D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10324480 | 9D8A00 | 8A9D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10324736 | 9D8B00 | 8B9D | Drive software outdated with respect to bootloader | out-of-date EPM software downloaded – Defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10519040 | A08200 | 82A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10519296 | A08300 | 83A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10519552 | A08400 | 84A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10519808 | A08500 | 85A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10520064 | A08600 | 86A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10520320 | A08700 | 87A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10520576 | A08800 | 88A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10520832 | A08900 | 89A0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10521088 | A08A00 | 8AA0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10521344 | A08B00 | 8BA0 | Checksum-Error in the external flash | defective EPM uC (FLASH) | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Download software update to the EPM Erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, then replace EPM |
10650112 | A28200 | 82A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10650368 | A28300 | 83A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10650624 | A28400 | 84A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10650880 | A28500 | 85A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10651136 | A28600 | 86A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10651392 | A28700 | 87A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10651648 | A28800 | 88A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10651904 | A28900 | 89A2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10652160 | A28A00 | 8AA2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
10652416 | A28B00 | 8BA2 | ALU comparision test failed | Damaged EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | If fault is stored only for one EPM, replace faulty EPM. If fault is reported for every EPM, replace central ECU. |
2132992 | 208C00 | 8C20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2133248 | 208D00 | 8D20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2133504 | 2,08E+02 | 820 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2133760 | 208F00 | 8F20 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2134016 | 209000 | 9020 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2134272 | 209100 | 9120 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2134528 | 209200 | 9220 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2134784 | 209300 | 9320 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2135040 | 209400 | 9420 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2135296 | 209500 | 9520 | Short to battery | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to battery. Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2198528 | 218C00 | 8C21 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2198784 | 218D00 | 8D21 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2199040 | 2,18E+02 | 821 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2199296 | 218F00 | 8F21 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2199552 | 219000 | 9021 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2199808 | 219100 | 9121 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2200064 | 219200 | 9221 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2200320 | 219300 | 9321 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2200576 | 219400 | 9421 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2200832 | 219500 | 9521 | Short to ground | damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2264064 | 228C00 | 8C22 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2264320 | 228D00 | 8D22 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2264576 | 2,28E+02 | 0822 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2264832 | 228F00 | 8F22 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2265088 | 229000 | 9022 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2265344 | 229100 | 9122 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2265600 | 229200 | 9222 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2265856 | 229300 | 9322 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2266112 | 229400 | 9422 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2266368 | 229500 | 9522 | Short to ignition | damaged wiring or the central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to UZ (X1/13). Repair wiring if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2329600 | 238C00 | 8C23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2329856 | 238D00 | 8D23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2330112 | 2,38E+02 | 0823 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2330368 | 238F00 | 8F23 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2330624 | 239000 | 9023 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2330880 | 239100 | 9123 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2331136 | 239200 | 9223 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2331392 | 239300 | 9323 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2331648 | 239400 | 9423 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2331904 | 239500 | 9523 | Shorted channels (channel X is shorted to channel Y) | damaged wiring or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the supply lines of the EPMs for short circuit to one another. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL, MOD_REAR_SPL, MOD_ADD1_SPL, MOD_ADD2_SPL) is to be checked! |
2984960 | 2D8C00 | 8C2D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2985216 | 2D8D00 | 8D2D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2985472 | 2D8E00 | 8E2D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2985728 | 2D8F00 | 8F2D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2985984 | 2D9000 | 902D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2986240 | 2D9100 | 912D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2986496 | 2D9200 | 922D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2986752 | 2D9300 | 932D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2987008 | 2D9400 | 942D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
2987264 | 2D9500 | 952D | Electronic circuit fault | Damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU. | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Erase fault memory. Check the wiring (including check for chafing damage), check EPM supply line for short circuit to vehicle ground. Repair wiring if faulty. Disconnect plug from the EPM: check short circuit between EPM power supply input and EPM ground, and between EPM power supply input and vehicle ground. Replace EPM if faulty. Read from the configuration of the EPMs which supply line (MOD_FRON_SPL (X2/7), MOD_REAR_SPL (X2/4), MOD_ADD1_SPL (X2/1), MOD_ADD2_SPL (X3/12)) is to be checked! |
13536256 | CE8C00 | 8CCE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13536512 | CE8D00 | 8DCE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13536768 | CE8E00 | 8ECE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13537024 | CE8F00 | 8FCE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13537280 | CE9000 | 90CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13537536 | CE9100 | 91CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13537792 | CE9200 | 92CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13538048 | CE9300 | 93CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13538304 | CE9400 | 94CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
13538560 | CE9500 | 95CE | Current high | wiring error – generator deffect – disturbances on the supply line – configuration-error – EPM-error – central-ECU-error | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | – checking wiring – check the diodes in the generator – check the quality of the supply voltage – download the updated software into the ECU – change the EPM, change the ECU |
693760 | A9600 | 60A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
694016 | A9700 | 70A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
694272 | A9800 | 80A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
694528 | A9900 | 90A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
694784 | A9A00 | A0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
695040 | A9B00 | B0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
695296 | A9C00 | C0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
695552 | A9D00 | D0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
695808 | A9E00 | E0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
696064 | A9F00 | F0A9 | Bus-off | CAN-Brake network cabling errors (e.g. power of an EPM shorted to a CAN line) – internal errors of the EPM | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. Check the plug at the central ECU and at the EPMs. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. Check if DTC disappears by disconnecting the corresponding EPM (to locate internal errors, timeout DTC should appear instead if EPM was faulty). If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
759296 | B9600 | 60B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
759552 | B9700 | 70B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
759808 | B9800 | 80B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
760064 | B9900 | 90B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
760320 | B9A00 | A0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
760576 | B9B00 | B0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
760832 | B9C00 | C0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
761088 | B9D00 | D0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
761344 | B9E00 | E0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
761600 | B9F00 | F0B9 | Timeout | periodic electro-magnetic disturbance – Damaged wiring (most likely: loose contact) – Damaged EPM or central ECU | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
890368 | D9600 | 60D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
890624 | D9700 | 70D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
890880 | D9800 | 80D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
891136 | D9900 | 90D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
891392 | D9A00 | A0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
891648 | D9B00 | B0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
891904 | D9C00 | C0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
892160 | D9D00 | D0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
892416 | D9E00 | E0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
892672 | D9F00 | F0D9 | Communication not running | – | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | (internal, see other CAN communication DTCs) |
955904 | E9600 | 60E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
956160 | E9700 | 70E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
956416 | E9800 | 80E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
956672 | E9900 | 90E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
956928 | E9A00 | A0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
957184 | E9B00 | B0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
957440 | E9C00 | C0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
957696 | E9D00 | D0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
957952 | E9E00 | E0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
958208 | E9F00 | F0E9 | Communication interrupted | Brake CAN was completely detached from an EPM – strong EMC noise – CAN-Brake network cabling errors – EPM power supply wiring errors – internal EPM errors | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty. If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, and electro-magnetic disturbance can be excluded, then the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11179520 | AA9600 | 96AA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11179776 | AA9700 | 97AA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11180032 | AA9800 | 98AA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11180288 | AA9900 | 99AA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11180544 | AA9A00 | 9AAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11180800 | AA9B00 | 9BAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11181056 | AA9C00 | 9CAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11181312 | AA9D00 | 9DAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11181568 | AA9E00 | 9EAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11181824 | AA9F00 | 9FAA | Timeout of Message 11 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11245056 | AB9600 | 96AB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11245312 | AB9700 | 97AB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11245568 | AB9800 | 98AB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11245824 | AB9900 | 99AB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11246080 | AB9A00 | 9AAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11246336 | AB9B00 | 9BAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11246592 | AB9C00 | 9CAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11246848 | AB9D00 | 9DAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11247104 | AB9E00 | 9EAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11247360 | AB9F00 | 9FAB | Timeout of Message 12 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11310592 | AC9600 | 96AC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11310848 | AC9700 | 97AC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11311104 | AC9800 | 98AC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11311360 | AC9900 | 99AC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11311616 | AC9A00 | 9AAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11311872 | AC9B00 | 9BAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11312128 | AC9C00 | 9CAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11312384 | AC9D00 | 9DAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11312640 | AC9E00 | 9EAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11312896 | AC9F00 | 9FAC | Timeout of Message 13 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11376128 | AD9600 | 96AD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11376384 | AD9700 | 97AD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11376640 | AD9800 | 98AD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11376896 | AD9900 | 99AD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11377152 | AD9A00 | 9AAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11377408 | AD9B00 | 9BAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11377664 | AD9C00 | 9CAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11377920 | AD9D00 | 9DAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11378176 | AD9E00 | 9EAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11378432 | AD9F00 | 9FAD | Timeout of Message 14 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11441664 | AE9600 | 96AE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11441920 | AE9700 | 97AE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11442176 | AE9800 | 98AE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11442432 | AE9900 | 99AE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11442688 | AE9A00 | 9AAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11442944 | AE9B00 | 9BAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11443200 | AE9C00 | 9CAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11443456 | AE9D00 | 9DAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11443712 | AE9E00 | 9EAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11443968 | AE9F00 | 9FAE | Timeout of Message 21 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11507200 | AF9600 | 96AF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11507456 | AF9700 | 97AF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11507712 | AF9800 | 98AF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11507968 | AF9900 | 99AF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11508224 | AF9A00 | 9AAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11508480 | AF9B00 | 9BAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11508736 | AF9C00 | 9CAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11508992 | AF9D00 | 9DAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11509248 | AF9E00 | 9EAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11509504 | AF9F00 | 9FAF | Timeout of Message 22 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11572736 | B09600 | 96B0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11572992 | B09700 | 97B0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11573248 | B09800 | 98B0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11573504 | B09900 | 99B0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11573760 | B09A00 | 9AB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11574016 | B09B00 | 9BB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11574272 | B09C00 | 9CB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11574528 | B09D00 | 9DB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11574784 | B09E00 | 9EB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11575040 | B09F00 | 9FB0 | Timeout of Message 23 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11638272 | B19600 | 96B1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11638528 | B19700 | 97B1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11638784 | B19800 | 98B1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11639040 | B19900 | 99B1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11639296 | B19A00 | 9AB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11639552 | B19B00 | 9BB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11639808 | B19C00 | 9CB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11640064 | B19D00 | 9DB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11640320 | B19E00 | 9EB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
11640576 | B19F00 | 9FB1 | Timeout of Message 24 | electro-magnetic disturbance, damaged wiring, EPM or central ECU | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check the lines and plugs (UB, CAN-H, CAN-L, Ground) to the corresponding EPM (including check for chafing damage). Repair wiring if faulty If all connections are OK, then erase fault memory. If the error is reported again, the EPM is to be replaced. If fault is reported from all EPMs, then most likely the central ECU is damaged. |
1482752 | 16A000 | A016 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1483008 | 16A100 | A116 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1483264 | 16A200 | A216 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1483520 | 16A300 | A316 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1483776 | 16A400 | A416 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1484032 | 16A500 | A516 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1484288 | 16A600 | A616 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1484544 | 16A700 | A716 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1484800 | 16A800 | A816 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1485056 | 16A900 | A916 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
2007040 | 1EA000 | A01E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2007296 | 1EA100 | A11E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2007552 | 1EA200 | A21E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2007808 | 1EA300 | A31E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2008064 | 1EA400 | A41E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2008320 | 1EA500 | A51E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2008576 | 1EA600 | A61E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2008832 | 1EA700 | A71E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2009088 | 1EA800 | A81E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2009344 | 1EA900 | A91E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2138112 | 20A000 | A020 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2138368 | 20A100 | A120 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2138624 | 20A200 | A220 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2138880 | 20A300 | A320 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2139136 | 20A400 | A420 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2139392 | 20A500 | A520 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2139648 | 20A600 | A620 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2139904 | 20A700 | A720 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2140160 | 20A800 | A820 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2140416 | 20A900 | A920 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2203648 | 21A000 | A021 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2203904 | 21A100 | A121 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2204160 | 21A200 | A221 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2204416 | 21A300 | A321 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2204672 | 21A400 | A421 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2204928 | 21A500 | A521 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2205184 | 21A600 | A621 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2205440 | 21A700 | A721 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2205696 | 21A800 | A821 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2205952 | 21A900 | A921 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2859008 | 2BA000 | A02B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2859264 | 2BA100 | A12B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2859520 | 2BA200 | A22B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2859776 | 2BA300 | A32B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2860032 | 2BA400 | A42B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2860288 | 2BA500 | A52B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2860544 | 2BA600 | A62B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2860800 | 2BA700 | A72B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2861056 | 2BA800 | A82B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2861312 | 2BA900 | A92B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2924544 | 2CA000 | A02C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2924800 | 2CA100 | A12C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2925056 | 2CA200 | A22C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2925312 | 2CA300 | A32C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2925568 | 2CA400 | A42C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2925824 | 2CA500 | A52C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2926080 | 2CA600 | A62C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2926336 | 2CA700 | A72C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2926592 | 2CA800 | A82C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2926848 | 2CA900 | A92C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
1485312 | 16AA00 | AA16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1485568 | 16AB00 | AB16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1485824 | 16AC00 | AC16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1486080 | 16AD00 | AD16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1486336 | 16AE00 | AE16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1486592 | 16AF00 | AF16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1486848 | 16B000 | B016 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1487104 | 16B100 | B116 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1487360 | 16B200 | B216 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1487616 | 16B300 | B316 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
2009600 | 1EAA00 | AA1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2009856 | 1EAB00 | AB1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2010112 | 1EAC00 | AC1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2010368 | 1EAD00 | AD1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2010624 | 1EAE00 | AE1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2010880 | 1EAF00 | AF1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2011136 | 1EB000 | B01E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2011392 | 1EB100 | B11E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2011648 | 1EB200 | B21E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2011904 | 1EB300 | B31E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2140672 | 20AA00 | AA20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2140928 | 20AB00 | AB20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2141184 | 20AC00 | AC20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2141440 | 20AD00 | AD20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2141696 | 20AE00 | AE20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2141952 | 20AF00 | AF20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2142208 | 20B000 | B020 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2142464 | 20B100 | B120 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2142720 | 20B200 | B220 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2142976 | 20B300 | B320 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2206208 | 21AA00 | AA21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2206464 | 21AB00 | AB21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2206720 | 21AC00 | AC21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2206976 | 21AD00 | AD21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2207232 | 21AE00 | AE21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2207488 | 21AF00 | AF21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2207744 | 21B000 | B021 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2208000 | 21B100 | B121 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2208256 | 21B200 | B221 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2208512 | 21B300 | B321 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2861568 | 2BAA00 | AA2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2861824 | 2BAB00 | AB2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2862080 | 2BAC00 | AC2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2862336 | 2BAD00 | AD2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2862592 | 2BAE00 | AE2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2862848 | 2BAF00 | AF2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2863104 | 2BB000 | B02B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2863360 | 2BB100 | B12B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2863616 | 2BB200 | B22B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2863872 | 2BB300 | B32B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM. |
2927104 | 2CAA00 | AA2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2927360 | 2CAB00 | AB2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2927616 | 2CAC00 | AC2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2927872 | 2CAD00 | AD2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2928128 | 2CAE00 | AE2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2928384 | 2CAF00 | AF2C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2928640 | 2CB000 | B02C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2928896 | 2CB100 | B12C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2929152 | 2CB200 | B22C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2929408 | 2CB300 | B32C | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and on | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
1487872 | 16B400 | B416 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1488128 | 16B500 | B516 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1488384 | 16B600 | B616 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1488640 | 16B700 | B716 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1488896 | 16B800 | B816 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1489152 | 16B900 | B916 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1489408 | 16BA00 | BA16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1489664 | 16BB00 | BB16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1489920 | 16BC00 | BC16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
1490176 | 16BD00 | BD16 | Signal too low | battery discharged – Too high contact/transfer resistance of EPM supply cable – Vehicle power supply Defective | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – If the error is active permanently, check the EPM power supply cable. Replace it if necessary. – Otherwise check the vehicle power supply system. |
2012160 | 1EB400 | B41E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2012416 | 1EB500 | B51E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2012672 | 1EB600 | B61E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2012928 | 1EB700 | B71E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2013184 | 1EB800 | B81E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2013440 | 1EB900 | B91E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2013696 | 1EBA00 | BA1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2013952 | 1EBB00 | BB1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2014208 | 1EBC00 | BC1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2014464 | 1EBD00 | BD1E | Open circuit | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM. |
2143232 | 20B400 | B420 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2143488 | 20B500 | B520 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2143744 | 20B600 | B620 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2144000 | 20B700 | B720 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2144256 | 20B800 | B820 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2144512 | 20B900 | B920 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2144768 | 20BA00 | BA20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2145024 | 20BB00 | BB20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2145280 | 20BC00 | BC20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2145536 | 20BD00 | BD20 | Short to battery | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2208768 | 21B400 | B421 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2209024 | 21B500 | B521 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2209280 | 21B600 | B621 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2209536 | 21B700 | B721 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2209792 | 21B800 | B821 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2210048 | 21B900 | B921 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2210304 | 21BA00 | BA21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2210560 | 21BB00 | BB21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2210816 | 21BC00 | BC21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2211072 | 21BD00 | BD21 | Short to ground | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
2864128 | 2BB400 | B42B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2864384 | 2BB500 | B52B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2864640 | 2BB600 | B62B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2864896 | 2BB700 | B72B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2865152 | 2BB800 | B82B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2865408 | 2BB900 | B92B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2865664 | 2BBA00 | BA2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2865920 | 2BBB00 | BB2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2866176 | 2BBC00 | BC2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
2866432 | 2BBD00 | BD2B | Fly-back diode is unswitchable and off | EBS5.0: damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | EBS5.0: Replace EPM |
1490432 | 16BE00 | BE16 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1490688 | 16BF00 | BF16 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1490944 | 16C000 | C016 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1491200 | 16C100 | C116 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1491456 | 16C200 | C216 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1491712 | 16C300 | C316 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1491968 | 16C400 | C416 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1492224 | 16C500 | C516 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1492480 | 16C600 | C616 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1492736 | 16C700 | C716 | Signal too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1555968 | 17BE00 | BE17 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1556224 | 17BF00 | BF17 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1556480 | 17C000 | C017 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1556736 | 17C100 | C117 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1556992 | 17C200 | C217 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1557248 | 17C300 | C317 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1557504 | 17C400 | C417 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1557760 | 17C500 | C517 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1558016 | 17C600 | C617 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1558272 | 17C700 | C717 | Signal too high | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1818112 | 1BBE00 | BE1B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1818368 | 1BBF00 | BF1B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1818624 | 1BC000 | C01B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1818880 | 1BC100 | C11B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1819136 | 1BC200 | C21B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1819392 | 1BC300 | C31B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1819648 | 1BC400 | C41B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1819904 | 1BC500 | C51B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1820160 | 1BC600 | C61B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1820416 | 1BC700 | C71B | Learned offset too low | damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Replace EPM |
1883648 | 1CBE00 | BE1C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1883904 | 1CBF00 | BF1C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1884160 | 1CC000 | C01C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1884416 | 1CC100 | C11C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1884672 | 1CC200 | C21C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1884928 | 1CC300 | C31C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1885184 | 1CC400 | C41C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1885440 | 1CC500 | C51C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1885696 | 1CC600 | C61C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
1885952 | 1CC700 | C71C | Learned offset too high | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM. |
3983360 | 3CC800 | C83C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3983616 | 3CC900 | C93C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3983872 | 3CCA00 | CA3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3984128 | 3CCB00 | CB3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3984384 | 3CCC00 | CC3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3984640 | 3CCD00 | CD3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3984896 | 3CCE00 | CE3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3985152 | 3CCF00 | CF3C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3985408 | 3CD000 | D03C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
3985664 | 3CD100 | D13C | Pressure compare plausibility fault: demand > measured pressure | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4048896 | 3DC800 | C83D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4049152 | 3DC900 | C93D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4049408 | 3DCA00 | CA3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4049664 | 3DCB00 | CB3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4049920 | 3DCC00 | CC3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4050176 | 3DCD00 | CD3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4050432 | 3DCE00 | CE3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4050688 | 3DCF00 | CF3D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4050944 | 3DD000 | D03D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4051200 | 3DD100 | D13D | Pressure compare plausibility fault: measured pressure > demand | EPM silencer plugged, damaged EPM. | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4114432 | 3EC800 | C83E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4114688 | 3EC900 | C93E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4114944 | 3ECA00 | CA3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4115200 | 3ECB00 | CB3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4115456 | 3ECC00 | CC3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4115712 | 3ECD00 | CD3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4115968 | 3ECE00 | CE3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4116224 | 3ECF00 | CF3E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4116480 | 3ED000 | D03E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4116736 | 3ED100 | D13E | Full brake test failed | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part between EPM and wheel brake, and EPM and supply pressure, repair if faulty. If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part, replace EPM. |
4179968 | 3FC800 | C83F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4180224 | 3FC900 | C93F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4180480 | 3FCA00 | CA3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4180736 | 3FCB00 | CB3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4180992 | 3FCC00 | CC3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4181248 | 3FCD00 | CD3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4181504 | 3FCE00 | CE3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4181760 | 3FCF00 | CF3F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4182016 | 3FD000 | D03F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4182272 | 3FD100 | D13F | Mismatch between EPM pressure and supply pressure | damaged or plugged piping from pressure supply to EPM damaged or open piping from EPM to PCV received supply pressure values incorrect damaged EPM damaged PCV | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping between EPM and supply pressure, and EPM and PCV, repair if faulty. Check values of received supply pressure signals, Check PCV operation with diagnostic tool, replace PCV if faulty If fault is found neither in the pneumatic piping, nor in the supply pressure sensors, nor in the PCV, then replace EPM. |
4245504 | 40C800 | C840 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4245760 | 40C900 | C940 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4246016 | 40CA00 | CA40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4246272 | 40CB00 | CB40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4246528 | 40CC00 | CC40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4246784 | 40CD00 | CD40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4247040 | 40CE00 | CE40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4247296 | 40CF00 | CF40 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4247552 | 40D000 | D040 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4247808 | 40D100 | D140 | Temporary backup test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM open or stuffed, damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic part) received values of supply pressure signals are not correct damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between FBM and EPM, repair if faulty. Check backup pressure increase from FBM. Replace FBM if faulty. Check received values of supply pressure signals Otherwise EPM is defect, replace EPM. |
4311040 | 41C800 | C841 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4311296 | 41C900 | C941 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4311552 | 41CA00 | CA41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4311808 | 41CB00 | CB41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4312064 | 41CC00 | CC41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4312320 | 41CD00 | CD41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4312576 | 41CE00 | CE41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4312832 | 41CF00 | CF41 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4313088 | 41D000 | D041 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4313344 | 41D100 | D141 | Temporary brake test failed | pneumatic pipes between FBM and EPM stuffed damaged FBM (mechanic/pneumatic exhaust) damaged EPM (backup valve) | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup piping between EPM and FBM, repair if faulty. Check exhaust of backup pressure by FBM. Check backup pressure dependent on FBM (de-)actuation. Replace FBM if faulty If fault is neither found in the backup piping nor in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4376576 | 42C800 | C842 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4376832 | 42C900 | C942 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4377088 | 42CA00 | CA42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4377344 | 42CB00 | CB42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4377600 | 42CC00 | CC42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4377856 | 42CD00 | CD42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4378112 | 42CE00 | CE42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4378368 | 42CF00 | CF42 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4378624 | 42D000 | D042 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4378880 | 42D100 | D142 | Implausible pressure difference right/left | silencer plugged damaged pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake damaged pneumatic part between EPM and branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencers. If plugged then clean/replace them. Check pneumatic part between EPM and wheel brake, or branch of supply pressure between 2 EPMs at axle, repair if faulty If fault is found neither in silencers, nor in the pneumatics, then replace EPM. |
4442112 | 43C800 | C843 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4442368 | 43C900 | C943 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4442624 | 43CA00 | CA43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4442880 | 43CB00 | CB43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4443136 | 43CC00 | CC43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4443392 | 43CD00 | CD43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4443648 | 43CE00 | CE43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4443904 | 43CF00 | CF43 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4444160 | 43D000 | D043 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4444416 | 43D100 | D143 | Implausible pressure during not braking | damaged or wrongly installed FBM (residual backup pressure), damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check backup pressure during no brake application. If residual pressure is found, check and correct installation of the FBM, replace FBM if faulty. If fault is not found in the FBM, replace EPM. |
4507648 | 44C800 | C844 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4507904 | 44C900 | C944 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4508160 | 44CA00 | CA44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4508416 | 44CB00 | CB44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4508672 | 44CC00 | CC44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4508928 | 44CD00 | CD44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4509184 | 44CE00 | CE44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4509440 | 44CF00 | CF44 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4509696 | 44D000 | D044 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4509952 | 44D100 | D144 | Implausibly high pressure at end of braking | silencer plugged damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If fault is not found in the silencer, then replace EPM. |
4573184 | 45C800 | C845 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4573440 | 45C900 | C945 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4573696 | 45CA00 | CA45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4573952 | 45CB00 | CB45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4574208 | 45CC00 | CC45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4574464 | 45CD00 | CD45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4574720 | 45CE00 | CE45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4574976 | 45CF00 | CF45 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4575232 | 45D000 | D045 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4575488 | 45D100 | D145 | Implausible inlet valve actuation | damaged piping or part between EPM and wheel brake damaged piping or part between EPM and supply pressure defect EPM received supply pressure value incorrect | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check pneumatic piping or part, repair if faulty. Check received values of the supply pressure sensors, If no fault is found in the pneumatic piping or part or at supply pressure value, replace EPM. |
4638720 | 46C800 | C846 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4638976 | 46C900 | C946 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4639232 | 46CA00 | CA46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4639488 | 46CB00 | CB46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4639744 | 46CC00 | CC46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4640000 | 46CD00 | CD46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4640256 | 46CE00 | CE46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4640512 | 46CF00 | CF46 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4640768 | 46D000 | D046 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4641024 | 46D100 | D146 | Implausible outlet valve actuation | silencer plugged, damaged EPM | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean/replace it. If silencer is OK, then replace EPM |
4704256 | 47C800 | C847 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4704512 | 47C900 | C947 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4704768 | 47CA00 | CA47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4705024 | 47CB00 | CB47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4705280 | 47CC00 | CC47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4705536 | 47CD00 | CD47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4705792 | 47CE00 | CE47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4706048 | 47CF00 | CF47 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4706304 | 47D000 | D047 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
4706560 | 47D100 | D147 | Residual pressure detected | Leakage at EPM inlet valve FBM leakage | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Check actual pressure of EPM during not braking. Check backup pressure from FBM during not braking. If pressure > 0bar the FBM is defect Check EPM silencer. If plugged then clean or replace it. Otherwise EPM is defect. |
1304064 | 13E600 | 013 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1304320 | 13E700 | 013 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1304576 | 13E800 | 013 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1304832 | 13E900 | 013 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1305088 | 13EA00 | EA13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1305344 | 13EB00 | EB13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1305600 | 13EC00 | EC13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1305856 | 13ED00 | ED13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1306112 | 13EE00 | EE13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
1306368 | 13EF00 | EF13 | Out of range | damaged wiring to ALS, or damaged sensor itself, damaged EPM ALS circuitry | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | check wiring to ALS. If correct, replace ALS. If problem still persists, replace EPM. |
3008000 | 2DE600 | E62D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3008256 | 2DE700 | E72D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3008512 | 2DE800 | E82D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3008768 | 2DE900 | E92D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3009024 | 2DEA00 | EA2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3009280 | 2DEB00 | EB2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3009536 | 2DEC00 | EC2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3009792 | 2DED00 | ED2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3010048 | 2DEE00 | EE2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3010304 | 2DEF00 | EF2D | Electronic circuit fault | improper configuration | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | if ALS is connected to the EPM, replace it with a newer one having ALS circuit populated. |
3663360 | 37E600 | 0037 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3663616 | 37E700 | 0037 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3663872 | 37E800 | 0037 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3664128 | 37E900 | 0037 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3664384 | 37EA00 | EA37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3664640 | 37EB00 | EB37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3664896 | 37EC00 | EC37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3665152 | 37ED00 | ED37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3665408 | 37EE00 | EE37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3665664 | 37EF00 | EF37 | Implausible deceleration | bad braking effect at concerned wheel brake vehicle one-sided loaden for long term vehicle suspension defective | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Check braking effect at concerned wheel and axle |
3469312 | 34F000 | F034 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3469568 | 34F100 | F134 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3469824 | 34F200 | F234 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3470080 | 34F300 | F334 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3470336 | 34F400 | F434 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3470592 | 34F500 | F534 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3470848 | 34F600 | F634 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3471104 | 34F700 | F734 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3471360 | 34F800 | F834 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3471616 | 34F900 | F934 | Pressure plausibility failure | undetected fault of at least one wheel speed sensor – puncture of a tyre – noisy wheel speed signal – continuous Brake force on a wheel without Brake pressure | stored-not reversible-not restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3534848 | 35F000 | F035 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3535104 | 35F100 | F135 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3535360 | 35F200 | F235 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3535616 | 35F300 | F335 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3535872 | 35F400 | F435 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3536128 | 35F500 | F535 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3536384 | 35F600 | F635 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3536640 | 35F700 | F735 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3536896 | 35F800 | F835 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3537152 | 35F900 | F935 | Wheel speed plausibility error | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor very big airgap (dropped out wheel speed sensor), puncture of the tyre, continuous brake force on an undriven wheel without brake pressure, | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check tyre, check pneumatic and mechanical parts of wheel brakes. Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3600384 | 36F000 | F036 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3600640 | 36F100 | F136 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3600896 | 36F200 | F236 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3601152 | 36F300 | F336 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3601408 | 36F400 | F436 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3601664 | 36F500 | F536 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3601920 | 36F600 | F636 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3602176 | 36F700 | F736 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3602432 | 36F800 | F836 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3602688 | 36F900 | F936 | Too frequent active-inactive state change | undetected fault of the wheel speed sensor – noisy wheel speed sensor signal | stored-not reversible-restored after power on | Perform all tests and actions prescribed for the different wheel speed sensor faults (faults with WSS in their title). Check the wheel speed sensor’s wire (connections and shielding) Check if configuration stored in the central ECU corresponds to wheel rolling circumference and tone-wheel teeth number. If those do not conform, then correct the configuration values or change the part of the vehicle. |
3931392 | 3BFD00 | FD3B | Temperature too high | the brakes were overstressed (too long activation) | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
13237504 | C9FD00 | FDC9 | Press brake pedal request | RAP failure active. Reverse test couldn’t beperformed successfully. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Pressing brake pedal as described in the DTC error description. |
130560 | 1FE00 | E01F | Invalid configuration | x | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
196096 | 2FE00 | E02F | Reconfiguration request | Replaced central-ECU, modified configuration of the central-ECU, replaced EPM. | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
5897728 | 59FE00 | FE59 | Red warning lamp request | Not relevant | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Not relevant |
13172224 | C8FE00 | FEC8 | Roller test bench mode active | x | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
13499904 | CDFE00 | FECD | EPM supply short to UZ test running | Ignition line is shorted to switched or not switched voltage (e.g. battery) | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | x |
13630976 | CFFE00 | FECF | Yellow warning lamp request | Not relevant | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Not relevant |
13303552 | CAFF00 | FFCA | Timeout or error condition in the communication with electronic steering controller (SA=0x38 or SA=0x71) | external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | |
13369088 | CBFF00 | FFCB | Timeout or error condition in the communication with an ECU | external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | |
15007488 | E4FF00 | FFE4 | External vehicle weight signal implausible | electro-magnetic disturbance – external ECU does sends invalid values because of an internal reason or error | stored-reversible-not restored after power on | Assure that external ECU works correctly. |
15138560 | E6FF00 | FFE6 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with engine ECU on CAN (SA=0x00) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15204096 | E7FF00 | FFE7 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with retarder or ABM ECU on CAN (SA=0x10) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15269632 | E8FF00 | FFE8 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with exhaust brake ECU on CAN (SA=0x29) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15335168 | E9FF00 | FFE9 | Timeout or error condition in the communication with management ECU (coordinator) (FFR) on CAN (SA=0x27 or global SA) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15400704 | EAFF00 | FFEA | Timeout or error condition in the communication with tachograph ECU on CAN (SA=0xEE) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15466240 | EBFF00 | FFEB | Timeout or error condition in the communication with gear box ECU on CAN (SA=0x03) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15531776 | ECFF00 | FFEC | Timeout or error condition in the communication with instrument cluster ECU or VSM on CAN (SA=0x17 or 0x09 or 0x0A) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15597312 | EDFF00 | FFED | Timeout or error condition in the communication with APS ECU on CAN (SA=0x30 or global SA) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15662848 | EEFF00 | FFEE | Timeout or error condition in the communication with CUV/BA ECU on CAN (SA=0x1E or 0x1B or 0x27 or 0x72) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |
15728384 | EFFF00 | FFEF | Timeout or error condition in the communication with suspension ECU on CAN (SA=0x2F) | – external ECU because of an internal reason or error | not stored-reversible-not restored after power on | – |